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deferred class DYNAMIC_API_LOADER_I General cluster: api_wrapper description: "An interface of the dynamic API loader for accessing libraries and loaded library API functions and variables. Note: This class is not indented for direct use as {DYNAMIC_API} providers a safer model. However direct access      to loading or querying for an API feature may be necessary, hence the interface is available." Ancestors ANY Queries api_pointer (a_hnd: POINTER; a_api_name: READABLE_STRING_8): POINTER api_pointer_with_raise (a_hnd: POINTER; a_api_name: READABLE_STRING_8): POINTER is_dynamic_library_supported: BOOLEAN load_library (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_version: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): POINTER load_library_from_path (a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): POINTER Commands unload_library (a_hnd: POINTER)
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