Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:
class I18N_NLS_PICTURE_TOOLS General cluster: nls_imp description: "Features to convert the date/time formatting strings from the NLS format to our format." Ancestors ANY Queries is_date_code_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_time_code_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN process_date_code (code: STRING_32): STRING_32 process_time_code (code: STRING_32): STRING_32 translate_date_format (in: STRING_32): STRING_32 translate_picture_string (in: STRING_32; is_code_character: FUNCTION [CHARACTER_32, BOOLEAN]; process_code: FUNCTION [STRING_32, STRING_32]): STRING_32 translate_time_format (in: STRING_32): STRING_32
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:

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