Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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class SED_RECOVERABLE_DESERIALIZER General cluster: ise description: "Decoding of arbitrary objects graphs between sessions of programs containing the same types or potentially different types (which can be mapped to the new type system via a correction mechanism,). It also basically takes care of potential reordering of attributes from one system to the other." create: make Ancestors MISMATCH_CORRECTOR SED_BASIC_DESERIALIZER Queries deserializer: SED_READER_WRITER errors: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [SED_ERROR] has_error: BOOLEAN is_caught (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN is_ignorable (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN is_ignored (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN is_raisable (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN last_decoded_object: detachable ANY last_exception: detachable EXCEPTION Mismatch_information: MISMATCH_INFORMATION Commands allow_attribute_removal allow_conforming_mismatches catch (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]) continue_on_data_retrieval_error correct_mismatch decode (a_is_gc_enabled: BOOLEAN) disallow_attribute_removal disallow_conforming_mismatches ignore (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]) raise (a_exception: EXCEPTION) set_attribute_name_translator (a_translator: [like attribute_name_translator] detachable FUNCTION [STRING_8, INTEGER_32, STRING_8]) set_class_type_translator (a_translator: [like class_type_translator] detachable FUNCTION [STRING_8, STRING_8]) set_deserializer (a_deserializer: [like deserializer] SED_READER_WRITER) set_is_checking_data_consistency (v: [like is_checking_data_consistency] BOOLEAN) set_is_ignored (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]; a_ignored: BOOLEAN) stop_on_data_retrieval_error
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