Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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class SED_SESSION_SERIALIZER General cluster: ise description: "Encoding of arbitrary objects graphs within a session of a same program. Some routines are explicitely frozen, not because we do not want them to be redefined but if they are frozen, it saves us having to look at all possible descendants whenever we do a change." create: make Ancestors SED_UTILITIES Queries is_root_object_set: BOOLEAN is_traversing_mode_set: BOOLEAN root_object: detachable ANY serializer: SED_READER_WRITER Commands encode set_breadth_first_traversing_mode set_depth_first_traversing_mode set_root_object (an_object: [like root_object] detachable ANY) set_serializer (a_serializer: [like serializer] SED_READER_WRITER) Constraints reflector not void reflected object not void traversable not void serializer not void object indexes not void
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