Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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class DB_TEMPLATE_TAGS General cluster: generation description: "Objects that enable to access tags used in templatedescribing how to generate a class related to a specificdatabase table." Ancestors ANY Queries Attribute_block: STRING_8 Attribute_block_end: STRING_8 Attribute_count: STRING_8 has_all_attribute_option: BOOLEAN has_all_type_option: BOOLEAN has_boolean_type_option: BOOLEAN has_character_type_option: BOOLEAN has_date_type_option: BOOLEAN has_double_type_option: BOOLEAN has_first_attribute_option: BOOLEAN has_integer_type_option: BOOLEAN has_intermediate_attribute_option: BOOLEAN has_last_attribute_option: BOOLEAN has_string_type_option: BOOLEAN Initcap_attribute_name: STRING_8 Initcap_class_name: STRING_8 Initcap_type_name: STRING_8 is_valid_attribute_tag: BOOLEAN Iterator: STRING_8 Lower_attribute_name: STRING_8 Lower_class_name: STRING_8 Lower_type_name: STRING_8 Tag_close: CHARACTER_8 Type_default_value: STRING_8 Upper_attribute_name: STRING_8 Upper_class_name: STRING_8 Upper_type_name: STRING_8 Commands parse_tag (tag: STRING_8) reset
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:

-- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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