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class PROCESS_ERROR_LISTENER_THREAD General cluster: process description: "Object defining a listener for error data from another process. It is used when you redirect error of a process to an agent. It listens to process's error pipe, if data arrives, it will call the agent specified in error_handler in PROCESS." create: make Ancestors EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT PROCESS_IO_LISTENER_THREAD* Queries Arguments: ARGUMENTS_32 available_cpu_count: NATURAL_32 current_thread_id: POINTER current_working_path: PATH Default_shell: STRING_32 Home_directory_path: detachable PATH is_exit_supported: BOOLEAN is_last_launch_successful: BOOLEAN is_launchable: BOOLEAN item (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRING_32 join_with_timeout (a_timeout_ms: NATURAL_64): BOOLEAN return_code: INTEGER_32 Root_directory_name: STRING_8 should_thread_exit: BOOLEAN starting_environment: HASH_TABLE [STRING_32, STRING_32] Temporary_directory_path: detachable PATH terminated: BOOLEAN thread_id: POINTER User_directory_path: detachable PATH Commands change_working_path (path: PATH) execute execution_environment_launch (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) exit join join_all launch launch_with_attributes (attr: THREAD_ATTRIBUTES) obsolete_thread_sleep (nanoseconds: INTEGER_64) put (value, key: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) set_exit_signal set_sleep_time (interval: INTEGER_32) sleep (nanoseconds: INTEGER_64) system (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) yield
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