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expanded class FILE_UTILITIES General cluster: ise description: "File utilities, for retrieving files and folders and formatting paths." Ancestors ANY Queries compact_path (a_path: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable STRING_32 directory_exists (n: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN directory_names (n: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] directory_path_exists (p: PATH): BOOLEAN ends_with (a_folder: PATH; a_end_with: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_levels: INTEGER_32): ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] file_exists (n: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN file_names (n: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] file_path_exists (p: PATH): BOOLEAN make_directory_name_in (name, location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): READABLE_STRING_GENERAL make_file_name_in (name, location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): READABLE_STRING_GENERAL Commands copy_file (old_name, new_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) copy_file_path (old_path, new_path: PATH) create_directory (a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) create_directory_path (a_path: PATH) rename_file (old_name, new_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) rename_file_path (old_path, new_path: PATH)
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:

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