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class EQA_EVALUATOR General cluster: etf description: "Core implementation for root class of test executor. The test evaluator is used by the testing tool to run tests and retrieve results. Any descendant of this class should be used as the root class of an interpreter. Descendants need to provide {EQA_EVALUATOR} information on what test classes/routines are available and be able to create instances of them." create: make Ancestors EQA_EXTERNALS EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT INTERNAL SED_STORABLE_FACILITIES Queries Arguments: ARGUMENTS_32 attached_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 available_cpu_count: NATURAL_32 Bit_type: INTEGER_32 boolean_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): BOOLEAN Boolean_type: INTEGER_32 character_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): CHARACTER_32 Character_32_type: INTEGER_32 character_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): CHARACTER_8 Character_8_type: INTEGER_32 character_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): CHARACTER_8 Character_type: INTEGER_32 class_name (object: ANY): STRING_8 class_name_8_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8 class_name_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8 compiler_version: INTEGER_32 current_working_path: PATH deep_physical_size (object: ANY): INTEGER_32 deep_physical_size_64 (object: ANY): NATURAL_64 Default_shell: STRING_32 detachable_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 double_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): REAL_64 Double_type: INTEGER_32 dynamic_type (object: separate ANY): INTEGER_32 dynamic_type_from_string (class_type: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): INTEGER_32 Eiffel_basic_store: NATURAL_32 Eiffel_independent_store: NATURAL_32 Eiffel_recoverable_store: NATURAL_32 Eiffel_session_store: NATURAL_32 Expanded_type: INTEGER_32 field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): detachable ANY field_conforms_to (a_source_type, a_field_type: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN field_count (object: ANY): INTEGER_32 field_count_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 field_name (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): STRING_8 field_name_8_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8 field_name_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8 field_offset (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_32 field_static_type_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 field_type (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_32 field_type_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 generic_count (obj: ANY): INTEGER_32 generic_count_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 generic_dynamic_type (obj: ANY; i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 generic_dynamic_type_of_type (type_id, i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 Home_directory_path: detachable PATH integer_16_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_16 Integer_16_type: INTEGER_32 integer_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_32 Integer_32_type: INTEGER_32 integer_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_64 Integer_64_type: INTEGER_32 integer_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_8 Integer_8_type: INTEGER_32 integer_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_32 Integer_type: INTEGER_32 is_attached_type (a_type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN is_field_expanded (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): BOOLEAN is_field_expanded_of_type (i, a_type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN is_field_transient (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): BOOLEAN is_field_transient_of_type (i, a_type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN is_instance_of (object: ANY; type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN is_marked (obj: separate ANY): BOOLEAN is_pre_ecma_mapping_disabled: BOOLEAN is_special (object: ANY): BOOLEAN is_special_any_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN is_special_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN is_tuple (object: ANY): BOOLEAN is_tuple_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN is_valid_type_string (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN item (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRING_32 mapped_type (a_type: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): READABLE_STRING_GENERAL Max_predefined_type: INTEGER_32 Min_predefined_type: INTEGER_32 natural_16_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): NATURAL_16 Natural_16_type: INTEGER_32 natural_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): NATURAL_32 Natural_32_type: INTEGER_32 natural_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): NATURAL_64 Natural_64_type: INTEGER_32 natural_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): NATURAL_8 Natural_8_type: INTEGER_32 new_instance_of (type_id: INTEGER_32): ANY new_special_any_instance (type_id, a_capacity: INTEGER_32): SPECIAL [detachable ANY] new_tuple_from_special (type_id: INTEGER_32; values: SPECIAL [detachable separate ANY]): detachable TUPLE new_tuple_from_tuple (type_id: INTEGER_32; source: separate TUPLE): detachable TUPLE None_type: INTEGER_32 persistent_field_count (object: ANY): INTEGER_32 persistent_field_count_of_type (a_type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 physical_size (object: ANY): INTEGER_32 physical_size_64 (object: separate ANY): NATURAL_64 pointer_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): POINTER Pointer_type: INTEGER_32 real_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): REAL_32 Real_32_type: INTEGER_32 real_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): REAL_64 Real_64_type: INTEGER_32 real_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): REAL_32 Real_type: INTEGER_32 reference_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): detachable ANY Reference_type: INTEGER_32 retrieved (a_reader: SED_READER_WRITER; a_is_gc_enabled: BOOLEAN): detachable ANY retrieved_errors: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [SED_ERROR] retrieved_from_medium (a_medium: IO_MEDIUM): detachable ANY return_code: INTEGER_32 Root_directory_name: STRING_8 starting_environment: HASH_TABLE [STRING_32, STRING_32] storable_version_of_type (a_type_id: INTEGER_32): detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 Temporary_directory_path: detachable PATH type_conforms_to (type1, type2: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN type_name_32 (object: ANY): READABLE_STRING_32 type_name_8_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8 type_name_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8 type_of (object: detachable ANY): TYPE [detachable ANY] type_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): TYPE [detachable ANY] User_directory_path: detachable PATH Wide_character_type: INTEGER_32 Commands basic_store (an_object: ANY; a_writer: SED_READER_WRITER; a_optimized_for_retrieval: BOOLEAN) change_working_path (path: PATH) launch (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) lock_marking mark (obj: separate ANY) put (value, key: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) session_store (an_object: ANY; a_writer: SED_READER_WRITER; a_optimized_for_retrieval: BOOLEAN) set_boolean_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: BOOLEAN) set_character_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: CHARACTER_32) set_character_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: CHARACTER_8) set_character_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: CHARACTER_8) set_double_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: REAL_64) set_integer_16_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_16) set_integer_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_32) set_integer_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_64) set_integer_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_8) set_integer_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_32) set_natural_16_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: NATURAL_16) set_natural_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: NATURAL_32) set_natural_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: NATURAL_64) set_natural_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: NATURAL_8) set_pointer_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: POINTER) set_real_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: REAL_32) set_real_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: REAL_64) set_real_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: REAL_32) set_reference_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: detachable ANY) sleep (nanoseconds: INTEGER_64) store (an_object: ANY; a_writer: SED_READER_WRITER) store_in_medium (an_object: ANY; a_medium: IO_MEDIUM) system (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) unlock_marking unmark (obj: separate ANY)
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