Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:
class ARGUMENT_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_SWITCH General cluster: obsolete_arg_parser description: "A command line switch that accepts a value in the form of a file or directory path." create: make, make_hidden Ancestors ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH Queries allow_multiple: BOOLEAN arg_description: STRING_8 arg_name: STRING_8 description: STRING_8 has_short_name: BOOLEAN hash_code: INTEGER_32 id: STRING_8 is_hashable: BOOLEAN is_hidden: BOOLEAN is_special: BOOLEAN is_valid_id (a_id: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN is_value_optional: BOOLEAN long_name: READABLE_STRING_8 lower_case_id: STRING_8 name: READABLE_STRING_8 optional: BOOLEAN short_name: CHARACTER_8
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:

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