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note description: "[ All possible error codes from all sorts of curl functions. Future versions may return other values, stay prepared. ]" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date: 2011-09-27 00:06:20 -0800 (Tue, 27 Sep 2011) $" revision: "$Revision: 87340 $" class interface CURL_CODES create default_create -- Process instances of classes with no creation clause. -- (Default: do nothing.) -- (from ANY) feature -- Access generating_type: TYPE [detachable CURL_CODES] -- Type of current object -- (type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY generating_type_not_void: Result /= Void generator: STRING_8 -- Name of current object's generating class -- (base class of the type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY generator_not_void: Result /= Void generator_not_empty: not Result.is_empty feature -- Comparison frozen deep_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void -- or attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class shallow_implies_deep: standard_equal (a, b) implies Result both_or_none_void: (a = Void) implies (Result = (b = Void)) same_type: (Result and (a /= Void)) implies (b /= Void and then a.same_type (b)) symmetric: Result implies deep_equal (b, a) frozen equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached -- to objects considered equal? -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.is_equal (b)) frozen is_deep_equal alias "≡≡≡" (other: CURL_CODES): BOOLEAN -- Are Current and other attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY shallow_implies_deep: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.is_deep_equal (Current) is_equal (other: CURL_CODES): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object considered -- equal to current object? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY symmetric: Result implies other ~ Current consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result frozen standard_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached to -- field-by-field identical objects of the same type? -- Always uses default object comparison criterion. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.standard_is_equal (b)) frozen standard_is_equal alias "" (other: CURL_CODES): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object of the same type -- as current object, and field-by-field identical to it? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.standard_is_equal (Current) feature -- Status report conforms_to (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Does type of current object conform to type -- of other (as per Eiffel: The Language, chapter 13)? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void same_type (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is type of current object identical to type of other? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY definition: Result = (conforms_to (other) and other.conforms_to (Current)) feature -- Duplication copy (other: CURL_CODES) -- Update current object using fields of object attached -- to other, so as to yield equal objects. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure -- from ANY is_equal: Current ~ other frozen deep_copy (other: CURL_CODES) -- Effect equivalent to that of: -- `copy` (other . `deep_twin`) -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, other) frozen deep_twin: CURL_CODES -- New object structure recursively duplicated from Current. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY deep_twin_not_void: Result /= Void deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, Result) frozen standard_copy (other: CURL_CODES) -- Copy every field of other onto corresponding field -- of current object. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure -- from ANY is_standard_equal: standard_is_equal (other) frozen standard_twin: CURL_CODES -- New object field-by-field identical to other. -- Always uses default copying semantics. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY standard_twin_not_void: Result /= Void equal: standard_equal (Result, Current) frozen twin: CURL_CODES -- New object equal to Current -- `twin` calls `copy`; to change copying/twinning semantics, redefine `copy`. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY twin_not_void: Result /= Void is_equal: Result ~ Current feature -- Basic operations frozen default: detachable CURL_CODES -- Default value of object's type -- (from ANY) frozen default_pointer: POINTER -- Default value of type POINTER -- (Avoid the need to write p.`default` for -- some p of type POINTER.) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class default_rescue -- Process exception for routines with no Rescue clause. -- (Default: do nothing.) -- (from ANY) frozen do_nothing -- Execute a null action. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class feature -- Constants Curle_aborted_by_callback: INTEGER_32 = 42 -- Declared as CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK Curle_bad_content_encoding: INTEGER_32 = 61 -- Declared as CURLE_BAD_CONTENT_ENCODING -- Unrecognized transfer encoding Curle_bad_download_resume: INTEGER_32 = 36 -- Declared as CURLE_BAD_DOWNLOAD_RESUME -- couldn't resume download Curle_bad_function_argument: INTEGER_32 = 43 -- Declared as CURLE_BAD_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT Curle_conv_failed: INTEGER_32 = 75 -- Declared as CURLE_CONV_FAILED -- conversion failed Curle_conv_reqd: INTEGER_32 = 76 -- Declared as CURLE_CONV_REQD -- caller must register conversion callbacks using curl_easy_setopt options -- CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_NETWORK_FUNCTION, CURLOPT_CONV_TO_NETWORK_FUNCTION, and -- CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_UTF8_FUNCTION Curle_couldnt_connect: INTEGER_32 = 7 -- Declared as CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT Curle_couldnt_resolve_host: INTEGER_32 = 6 -- Declared as CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST Curle_couldnt_resolve_proxy: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- Declared as CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY Curle_failed_init: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Declared as CURLE_FAILED_INIT Curle_file_couldnt_read_file: INTEGER_32 = 37 -- Declared as CURLE_FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE Curle_filesize_exceeded: INTEGER_32 = 63 -- Declared as CURLE_FILESIZE_EXCEEDED -- Maximum file size exceeded Curle_ftp_cant_get_host: INTEGER_32 = 15 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_CANT_GET_HOST Curle_ftp_couldnt_retr_file: INTEGER_32 = 19 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_RETR_FILE Curle_ftp_couldnt_set_type: INTEGER_32 = 17 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_TYPE Curle_ftp_couldnt_use_rest: INTEGER_32 = 31 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_USE_REST -- the REST command failed Curle_ftp_port_failed: INTEGER_32 = 30 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED -- FTP PORT operation failed Curle_ftp_weird_227_format: INTEGER_32 = 14 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_227_FORMAT Curle_ftp_weird_pass_reply: INTEGER_32 = 11 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASS_REPLY Curle_ftp_weird_pasv_reply: INTEGER_32 = 13 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASV_REPLY Curle_ftp_weird_server_reply: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- Declared as CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY Curle_function_not_found: INTEGER_32 = 41 -- Declared as CURLE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND Curle_got_nothing: INTEGER_32 = 52 -- Declared as CURLE_GOT_NOTHING -- when this is a specific error Curle_http_post_error: INTEGER_32 = 34 -- Declared as CURLE_HTTP_POST_ERROR Curle_http_returned_error: INTEGER_32 = 22 -- Declared as CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR Curle_interface_failed: INTEGER_32 = 45 -- Declared as CURLE_INTERFACE_FAILED -- CURLOPT_INTERFACE failed Curle_ldap_cannot_bind: INTEGER_32 = 38 -- Declared as CURLE_LDAP_CANNOT_BIND Curle_ldap_invalid_url: INTEGER_32 = 62 -- Declared as CURLE_LDAP_INVALID_URL -- Invalid LDAP URL Curle_ldap_search_failed: INTEGER_32 = 39 -- Declared as CURLE_LDAP_SEARCH_FAILED Curle_login_denied: INTEGER_32 = 67 -- Declared as CURLE_LOGIN_DENIED -- user, password or similar was not accepted and we failed to login Curle_obsolete10: INTEGER_32 = 10 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE10 NOT USED Curle_obsolete12: INTEGER_32 = 12 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE12 NOT USED Curle_obsolete16: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE16 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete20: INTEGER_32 = 20 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE20 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete24: INTEGER_32 = 24 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE24 NOT USED Curle_obsolete29: INTEGER_32 = 29 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE29 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete32: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE32 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete4: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE4 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete40: INTEGER_32 = 40 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE40 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete44: INTEGER_32 = 44 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE44 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete46: INTEGER_32 = 46 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE46 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete50: INTEGER_32 = 50 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE50 -- NOT USED Curle_obsolete57: INTEGER_32 = 57 -- Declared as CURLE_OBSOLETE57 -- NOT IN USE Curle_ok: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared as CURLE_OK Curle_operation_timedout: INTEGER_32 = 28 -- Declared as CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT -- the timeout time was reached Curle_out_of_memory: INTEGER_32 = 27 -- Declared as CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY -- Note: CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY may sometimes indicate a conversion error -- instead of a memory allocation error if CURL_DOES_CONVERSIONS -- is defined Curle_partial_file: INTEGER_32 = 18 -- Declared as CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE Curle_quote_error: INTEGER_32 = 21 -- Declared as CURLE_QUOTE_ERROR -- quote command failure Curle_range_error: INTEGER_32 = 33 -- Declared as CURLE_RANGE_ERROR -- RANGE "command" didn't work Curle_read_error: INTEGER_32 = 26 -- Declared as CURLE_READ_ERROR -- couldn't open/read from file Curle_recv_error: INTEGER_32 = 56 -- Declared as CURLE_RECV_ERROR -- failure in receiving network data Curle_remote_access_denied: INTEGER_32 = 9 -- Declared as CURLE_REMOTE_ACCESS_DENIED -- A service was denied by the server due to lack of access -- when login fails this is not returned. Curle_remote_disk_full: INTEGER_32 = 70 -- Declared as CURLE_REMOTE_DISK_FULL -- out of disk space on server Curle_remote_file_exists: INTEGER_32 = 73 -- Declared as CURLE_REMOTE_FILE_EXISTS -- File already exists Curle_remote_file_not_found: INTEGER_32 = 78 -- Declared as CURLE_REMOTE_FILE_NOT_FOUND -- remote file not found Curle_send_error: INTEGER_32 = 55 -- Declared as CURLE_SEND_ERROR -- failed sending network data Curle_send_fail_rewind: INTEGER_32 = 65 -- Declared as CURLE_SEND_FAIL_REWIND -- Sending the data requires a rewind that failed Curle_ssh: INTEGER_32 = 79 -- Declared as CURLE_SSH -- error from the SSH layer, somewhat generic so the error message will be of -- interest when this has happened Curle_ssl_cacert: INTEGER_32 = 60 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_CACERT -- problem with the CA cert (path?) Curle_ssl_cacert_badfile: INTEGER_32 = 77 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE -- could not load CACERT file, missing or wrong format Curle_ssl_certproblem: INTEGER_32 = 58 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM -- problem with the local certificate Curle_ssl_cipher: INTEGER_32 = 59 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_CIPHER -- couldn't use specified cipher Curle_ssl_connect_error: INTEGER_32 = 35 -- Declared CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR -- wrong when connecting with SSL Curle_ssl_engine_initfailed: INTEGER_32 = 66 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_INITFAILED -- failed to initialise ENGINE Curle_ssl_engine_notfound: INTEGER_32 = 53 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_NOTFOUND -- SSL crypto engine not found */ Curle_ssl_engine_setfailed: INTEGER_32 = 54 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_SETFAILED -- can not set SSL crypto engine as default Curle_ssl_peer_certificate: INTEGER_32 = 51 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE -- peer's certificate wasn't ok Curle_ssl_shutdown_failed: INTEGER_32 = 80 -- Declared as CURLE_SSL_SHUTDOWN_FAILED -- Failed to shut down the SSL connection Curle_telnet_option_syntax: INTEGER_32 = 49 -- Declared as CURLE_TELNET_OPTION_SYNTAX -- Malformed telnet option Curle_tftp_illegal: INTEGER_32 = 71 -- Declared as CURLE_TFTP_ILLEGAL -- Illegal TFTP operation Curle_tftp_nosuchuser: INTEGER_32 = 74 -- Declared as CURLE_TFTP_NOSUCHUSER -- No such user Curle_tftp_notfound: INTEGER_32 = 68 -- Declared as CURLE_TFTP_NOTFOUND -- file not found on server Curle_tftp_perm: INTEGER_32 = 69 -- Declared as CURLE_TFTP_PERM -- permission problem on server Curle_tftp_unknownid: INTEGER_32 = 72 -- Declared as CURLE_TFTP_UNKNOWNID -- Unknown transfer ID Curle_too_many_redirects: INTEGER_32 = 47 -- Declared as CURLE_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS -- catch endless re-direct loops Curle_unknown_telnet_option: INTEGER_32 = 48 -- Declared as CURLE_UNKNOWN_TELNET_OPTION -- User specified an unknown option Curle_unsupported_protocol: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared as CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL Curle_upload_failed: INTEGER_32 = 25 -- Declared as CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED -- failed upload "command" Curle_url_malformat: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Declared as CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT Curle_use_ssl_failed: INTEGER_32 = 64 -- Declared as CURLE_USE_SSL_FAILED -- Requested FTP SSL level failed Curle_write_error: INTEGER_32 = 23 -- Declared as CURLE_WRITE_ERROR feature -- Eiffel cURL: Constants Eiffelcurle_error_occurred: INTEGER_32 = -1 -- Error occurred in Eiffel cURL internals feature -- Output Io: STD_FILES -- Handle to standard file setup -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class io_not_void: Result /= Void out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY out_not_void: Result /= Void print (o: detachable ANY) -- Write terse external representation of o -- on standard output. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class frozen tagged_out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY tagged_out_not_void: Result /= Void feature -- Platform Operating_environment: OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT -- Objects available from the operating system -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class operating_environment_not_void: Result /= Void invariant -- from ANY reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current) reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current) note library: "cURL: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class CURL_CODES
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