Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
note description: "Eiffel Vision popup menu handler. Invisible window that lets%N`menu_item_list` receive click commands." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class interface EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER create make_with_menu (a_menu: EV_MENU_ITEM_LIST_IMP; a_window: detachable WEL_WINDOW) -- Initialize with a_menu. require a_menu_not_void: a_menu /= Void feature -- Access caption_font: WEL_FONT -- Caption font -- (from WEL_SHARED_FONTS) ensure -- from WEL_SHARED_FONTS result_exists: Result /= Void and then Result.exists children: LIST [WEL_WINDOW] -- Construct a linear representation of children. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void Color_3ddkshadow: INTEGER_32 = 21 -- Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DDKSHADOW -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_3dface: INTEGER_32 = 15 -- Face color for three-dimensional display elements and -- for dialog box backgrounds. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DFACE -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_btnface`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_3dhighlight: INTEGER_32 = 20 -- Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DHILIGHT -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_3dhilight`, `color_btnhilight` and `color_btnhighlight`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_3dhilight: INTEGER_32 = 20 -- Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DHILIGHT -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_3dhighlight`, `color_btnhilight` and `color_btnhighlight`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_3dlight: INTEGER_32 = 22 -- Light color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DLIGHT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_3dshadow: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing away from the light source). -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DSHADOW -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_btnshadow`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_activeborder: INTEGER_32 = 10 -- Active window border. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_activecaption: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Active window title bar. -- -- Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000 or later: -- Specifies the left side color in the color gradient of an active -- window's title bar if the gradient effect is enabled. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_appworkspace: INTEGER_32 = 12 -- Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_APPWORKSPACE -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_background: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Desktop. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_BACKGROUND -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_desktop`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_btnface: INTEGER_32 = 15 -- Face color for three-dimensional display elements and -- for dialog box backgrounds. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DFACE -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_3dface`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_btnhighlight: INTEGER_32 = 20 -- Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DHILIGHT -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_3dhilight`, `color_3dhighlight` and `color_btnhilight`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_btnhilight: INTEGER_32 = 20 -- Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DHILIGHT -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_3dhilight`, `color_3dhighlight` and `color_btnhighlight`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_btnshadow: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing away from the light source). -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_3DSHADOW -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_3dshadow`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_btntext: INTEGER_32 = 18 -- Text on push buttons. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_BTNTEXT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_captiontext: INTEGER_32 = 9 -- Text in caption, size box, and scroll bar arrow box. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_desktop: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Desktop. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_BACKGROUND -- Was declared in {WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `color_background`. -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_gradientactivecaption: INTEGER_32 = 27 -- Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000 or later: -- Right side color in the color gradient of an active window's -- title bar. COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION specifies the left side color. -- Use SPI_GETGRADIENTCAPTIONS with the SystemParametersInfo -- function to determine whether the gradient effect is enabled. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_gradientinactivecaption: INTEGER_32 = 28 -- Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000 or later: -- Right side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's -- title bar. COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION specifies the left side color. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_graytext: INTEGER_32 = 17 -- Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to 0 if the current -- display driver does not support a solid gray color. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_GRAYTEXT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_highlight: INTEGER_32 = 13 -- Item(s) selected in a control. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_HIGHLIGHT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_highlighttext: INTEGER_32 = 14 -- Text of item(s) selected in a control. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_hotlight: INTEGER_32 = 26 -- Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000 or later: -- Color for a hot-tracked item. Single clicking a hot-tracked -- item executes the item. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_HOTLIGHT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_inactiveborder: INTEGER_32 = 11 -- Inactive window border. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_inactivecaption: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Inactive window caption. -- -- Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000 or later: -- Specifies the left side color in the color gradient of an inactive -- window's title bar if the gradient effect is enabled. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_inactivecaptiontext: INTEGER_32 = 19 -- Color of text in an inactive caption. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_infobk: INTEGER_32 = 24 -- Background color for tooltip controls. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_INFOBK -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_infotext: INTEGER_32 = 23 -- Text color for tooltip controls. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_INFOTEXT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_menu: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Menu background. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_MENU -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_menubar: INTEGER_32 = 30 -- Windows XP: -- The background color for the menu bar when menus appear as -- flat menus (see SystemParametersInfo). However, `color_menu` -- continues to specify the background color of the menu popup. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_MENUBAR -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_menuhilight: INTEGER_32 = 29 -- Windows XP: -- The color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears -- as a flat menu (see SystemParametersInfo). The highlighted -- menu item is outlined with COLOR_HIGHLIGHT. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_MENUHILIGHT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_menutext: INTEGER_32 = 7 -- Text in menus. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_MENUTEXT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_scrollbar: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Scroll bar gray area. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_SCROLLBAR -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_window: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- Window background. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_WINDOW -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_windowframe: INTEGER_32 = 6 -- Window frame. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_WINDOWFRAME -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) Color_windowtext: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- Text in windows. -- -- Declared in Windows as COLOR_WINDOWTEXT -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) commands: detachable WEL_COMMAND_MANAGER -- Command manager associated to the current window. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) Cs_bytealignclient: INTEGER_32 = 4096 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_bytealignwindow: INTEGER_32 = 8192 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_classdc: INTEGER_32 = 64 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_dblclks: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_dropshadow: INTEGER_32 = 131072 -- Drop shadow effect -- This value is not supported until Windows XP. -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_globalclass: INTEGER_32 = 16384 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_hredraw: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_ime: INTEGER_32 = 65536 -- Input Method Editor -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_keycvtwindow: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Not defined any more for some -- C compilers, returns old defined value -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_noclose: INTEGER_32 = 512 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_nokeycvt: INTEGER_32 = 256 -- Not defined any more for some -- C compilers, returns old defined value -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_owndc: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_parentdc: INTEGER_32 = 128 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_savebits: INTEGER_32 = 2048 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) Cs_vredraw: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- (from WEL_CS_CONSTANTS) default_processing: BOOLEAN -- (from WEL_RETURN_VALUE) generating_type: TYPE [detachable EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER] -- Type of current object -- (type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY generating_type_not_void: Result /= Void generator: STRING_8 -- Name of current object's generating class -- (base class of the type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY generator_not_void: Result /= Void generator_not_empty: not Result.is_empty gui_font: WEL_FONT -- Default screen (WEL) font. -- (from WEL_SHARED_FONTS) ensure -- from WEL_SHARED_FONTS result_exists: Result /= Void and then Result.exists gw_child: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS is_class: class gw_hwndfirst: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS is_class: class gw_hwndlast: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS is_class: class gw_hwndnext: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS is_class: class gw_hwndprev: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS is_class: class gw_owner: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_GW_CONSTANTS is_class: class Gwl_exstyle: INTEGER_32 = -20 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_style: INTEGER_32 = -16 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) has_return_value: BOOLEAN -- Should the window procedure return a value? -- (from WEL_RETURN_VALUE) frozen hwnd_bottom: POINTER -- (from WEL_HWND_CONSTANTS) frozen hwnd_broadcast: POINTER -- (from WEL_HWND_CONSTANTS) frozen hwnd_message: POINTER -- (from WEL_HWND_CONSTANTS) frozen hwnd_notopmost: POINTER -- (from WEL_HWND_CONSTANTS) frozen hwnd_top: POINTER -- (from WEL_HWND_CONSTANTS) frozen hwnd_topmost: POINTER -- (from WEL_HWND_CONSTANTS) Icon_big: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared in Windows as ICON_BIG -- (from WEL_ICON_CONSTANTS) Icon_small: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as ICON_SMALL -- (from WEL_ICON_CONSTANTS) Idabort: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Abort button was selected. -- (from WEL_ID_CONSTANTS) idc_appstarting: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_arrow: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_cross: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_hand: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_help: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_ibeam: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_no: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_sizeall: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_sizenesw: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_sizens: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_sizenwse: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_sizewe: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_uparrow: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) idc_wait: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS) Idcancel: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Cancel button was selected. -- (from WEL_ID_CONSTANTS) frozen idi_application: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS is_class: class frozen idi_asterisk: POINTER -- Was declared in {WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `idi_information`. -- (from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS is_class: class frozen idi_error: POINTER -- Was declared in {WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `idi_hand`. -- (from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS is_class: class frozen idi_exclamation: POINTER -- Was declared in {WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `idi_warning`. -- (from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS is_class: class frozen idi_hand: POINTER -- Was declared in {WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `idi_error`. -- (from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS is_class: class frozen idi_information: POINTER -- Was declared in {WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `idi_asterisk`. -- (from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS is_class: class frozen idi_question: POINTER -- (from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS is_class: class frozen idi_warning: POINTER -- Was declared in {WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `idi_exclamation`. -- (from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS) ensure -- from WEL_IDI_CONSTANTS is_class: class Idignore: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- Ignore button was selected. -- (from WEL_ID_CONSTANTS) Idno: INTEGER_32 = 7 -- No button was selected. -- (from WEL_ID_CONSTANTS) Idok: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- OK button was selected. -- (from WEL_ID_CONSTANTS) Idretry: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Retry button was selected. -- (from WEL_ID_CONSTANTS) Idyes: INTEGER_32 = 6 -- Yes button was selected. -- (from WEL_ID_CONSTANTS) item: POINTER -- Generic Windows handle or structure pointer. -- Can be a HWND, HICON, RECT *, WNDCLASS *, etc... -- (from WEL_ANY) Mb_abortretryignore: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_applmodal: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_default_desktop_only: INTEGER_32 = 131072 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_defbutton1: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_defbutton2: INTEGER_32 = 256 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_defbutton3: INTEGER_32 = 512 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_defmask: INTEGER_32 = 3840 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_help: INTEGER_32 = 16384 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconasterisk: INTEGER_32 = 64 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconerror: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Same as `mb_iconhand`. -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconexclamation: INTEGER_32 = 48 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconhand: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconinformation: INTEGER_32 = 64 -- Same as `mb_iconasterisk`. -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconmask: INTEGER_32 = 240 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconquestion: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconstop: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Same as `mb_iconhand`. -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconwarning: INTEGER_32 = 48 -- Same as `mb_iconexclamation`. -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_nofocus: INTEGER_32 = 32768 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_ok: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_okcancel: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_retrycancel: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_right: INTEGER_32 = 524288 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_rtlreading: INTEGER_32 = 1048576 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_setforeground: INTEGER_32 = 65536 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_systemmodal: INTEGER_32 = 4096 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_taskmodal: INTEGER_32 = 8192 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_topmost: INTEGER_32 = 262144 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_typemask: INTEGER_32 = 15 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_usericon: INTEGER_32 = 128 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_yesno: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_yesnocancel: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) menu: WEL_MENU -- Associated menu -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists has_menu: has_menu ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void menu_font: WEL_FONT -- Font used in menus -- (from WEL_SHARED_FONTS) ensure -- from WEL_SHARED_FONTS result_exists: Result /= Void and then Result.exists message_font: WEL_FONT -- Font used in message boxes -- (from WEL_SHARED_FONTS) ensure -- from WEL_SHARED_FONTS result_exists: Result /= Void and then Result.exists message_return_value: POINTER -- Return value of the window procedure. -- (from WEL_RETURN_VALUE) require -- from WEL_RETURN_VALUE has_return_value: has_return_value parent: detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Parent window -- (from WEL_WINDOW) Sb_both: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Declared in Windows as SB_BOTH -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_bottom: INTEGER_32 = 7 -- Declared in Windows as SB_BOTTOM -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_ctl: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Declared in Windows as SB_CTL -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_endscroll: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- Declared in Windows as SB_ENDSCROLL -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_horz: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as SB_HORZ -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_left: INTEGER_32 = 6 -- Declared in Windows as SB_LEFT -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_linedown: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared in Windows as SB_LINEDOWN -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_lineleft: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as SB_LINELEFT -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_lineright: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared in Windows as SB_LINERIGHT -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_lineup: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as SB_LINEUP -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_pagedown: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Declared in Windows as SB_PAGEDOWN -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_pageleft: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Declared in Windows as SB_PAGELEFT -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_pageright: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Declared in Windows as SB_PAGERIGHT -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_pageup: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Declared in Windows as SB_PAGEUP -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_right: INTEGER_32 = 7 -- Declared in Windows as SB_RIGHT -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_thumbposition: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Declared in Windows as SB_THUMBPOSITION -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_thumbtrack: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- Declared in Windows as SB_THUMBTRACK -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_top: INTEGER_32 = 6 -- Declared in Windows as SB_TOP -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) Sb_vert: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared in Windows as SB_VERT -- (from WEL_SB_CONSTANTS) scroller: detachable WEL_SCROLLER -- Scroller object for processing scroll messages. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) silly_window: WEL_SILLY_WINDOW -- Window that receives some private messages for WEL to work properly. -- (from WEL_RESIZING_SUPPORT) Sm_cmetrics: INTEGER_32 = 76 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cmonitors: INTEGER_32 = 80 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxborder: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxcursor: INTEGER_32 = 13 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxdlgframe: INTEGER_32 = 7 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxdoubleclk: INTEGER_32 = 36 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxframe: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxfullscreen: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxhscroll: INTEGER_32 = 21 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxhthumb: INTEGER_32 = 10 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxicon: INTEGER_32 = 11 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxiconspacing: INTEGER_32 = 38 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxmaximized: INTEGER_32 = 61 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxmenucheck: INTEGER_32 = 71 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxmin: INTEGER_32 = 28 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxmintrack: INTEGER_32 = 34 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxscreen: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxsize: INTEGER_32 = 30 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxvirtualscreen: INTEGER_32 = 78 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cxvscroll: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyborder: INTEGER_32 = 6 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cycaption: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cycursor: INTEGER_32 = 14 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cydlgframe: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cydoubleclk: INTEGER_32 = 37 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyframe: INTEGER_32 = 33 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyfullscreen: INTEGER_32 = 17 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyhscroll: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyicon: INTEGER_32 = 12 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyiconspacing: INTEGER_32 = 39 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cykanjiwindow: INTEGER_32 = 18 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cymaximized: INTEGER_32 = 62 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cymenu: INTEGER_32 = 15 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cymenucheck: INTEGER_32 = 72 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cymin: INTEGER_32 = 29 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cymintrack: INTEGER_32 = 35 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyscreen: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cysize: INTEGER_32 = 31 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyvirtualscreen: INTEGER_32 = 79 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyvscroll: INTEGER_32 = 20 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_cyvthumb: INTEGER_32 = 9 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_dbcsenabled: INTEGER_32 = 42 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_debug: INTEGER_32 = 22 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_immenabled: INTEGER_32 = 82 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_menudropalignment: INTEGER_32 = 40 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_mousepresent: INTEGER_32 = 19 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_mousewheelpresent: INTEGER_32 = 75 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_penwindows: INTEGER_32 = 41 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_remotesession: INTEGER_32 = 4096 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_reserved1: INTEGER_32 = 24 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_reserved2: INTEGER_32 = 25 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_reserved3: INTEGER_32 = 26 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_reserved4: INTEGER_32 = 27 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_swapbutton: INTEGER_32 = 23 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_xvirtualscreen: INTEGER_32 = 76 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) Sm_yvirtualscreen: INTEGER_32 = 77 -- (from WEL_SM_CONSTANTS) small_caption_font: WEL_FONT -- Small caption font -- (from WEL_SHARED_FONTS) ensure -- from WEL_SHARED_FONTS result_exists: Result /= Void and then Result.exists status_font: WEL_FONT -- Font used in status bars -- (from WEL_SHARED_FONTS) ensure -- from WEL_SHARED_FONTS result_exists: Result /= Void and then Result.exists Sw_hide: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as SW_HIDE -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_minimize: INTEGER_32 = 6 -- Declared in Windows as SW_MINIMIZE -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_otherunzoom: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Declared in Windows as SW_OTHERUNZOOM -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_otherzoom: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Declared in Windows as SW_OTHERZOOM -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_parentclosing: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared in Windows as SW_PARENTCLOSING -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_parentopening: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Declared in Windows as SW_PARENTOPENING -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_restore: INTEGER_32 = 9 -- Declared in Windows as SW_RESTORE -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_show: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- Declared in Windows as SW_SHOW -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_showmaximized: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Declared in Windows as SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_showminimized: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Declared in Windows as SW_SHOWMINIMIZED -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_showminnoactive: INTEGER_32 = 7 -- Declared in Windows as SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_showna: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- Declared in Windows as SW_SHOWNA -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_shownoactivate: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Declared in Windows as SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Sw_shownormal: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared in Windows as SW_SHOWNORMAL -- (from WEL_SW_CONSTANTS) Swp_asyncwindowpos: INTEGER_32 = 16384 -- If the calling thread and the thread that owns the window are attached -- to different input queues, the system posts the request to the thread-- -- that owns the window. This prevents the calling thread from blocking -- its execution while other threads process the request. -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_defererase: INTEGER_32 = 8192 -- Prevents generation of the WM_SYNCPAINT message. -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_drawframe: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- Same as `swp_framechanged`. -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_framechanged: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- Frame changed: send WM_NCCALCSIZE. -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_hidewindow: INTEGER_32 = 128 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_noactivate: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_nocopybits: INTEGER_32 = 256 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_nomove: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_noownerzorder: INTEGER_32 = 512 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_noredraw: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_noreposition: INTEGER_32 = 512 -- Same as Swp_noownerzborder. -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_nosendchanging: INTEGER_32 = 1024 -- Don't send WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_nosize: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_nozorder: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) Swp_showwindow: INTEGER_32 = 64 -- (from WEL_SWP_CONSTANTS) system_color_3dface: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Face color for three-dimensional display elements and -- for dialog box backgrounds. -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_btnface`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_3dhighlight: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_btnhighlight`, `system_color_btnhilight` and `system_color_3dhilight`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_3dhilight: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_btnhighlight`, `system_color_btnhilight` and `system_color_3dhighlight`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_3dshadow: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing away from the light source). -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_btnshadow`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_activeborder: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for active window border. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_activecaption: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for active window title bar. -- -- Windows 98, Windows 2000: Specifies the left side color in the -- color gradient of an active window's title bar if the gradient -- effect is enabled. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_appworkspace: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Background color of multiple document interface -- (MDI) applications. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_background: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color of the desktop -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_desktop`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_btnface: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Face color for three-dimensional display elements and -- for dialog box backgrounds. -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_3dface`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_btnhighlight: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_btnhilight`, `system_color_3dhighlight` and `system_color_3dhilight`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_btnhilight: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing the light source.) -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_btnhighlight`, `system_color_3dhighlight` and `system_color_3dhilight`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_btnshadow: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements -- (for edges facing away from the light source). -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_3dshadow`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_btntext: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color of text on push buttons. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_captiontext: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for text in caption, size box, and -- scroll bar arrow box. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_desktop: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color of the desktop -- Was declared in {WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS} as synonym of `system_color_background`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_gradientactivecaption: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Right side color in the color gradient of an active window's -- title bar. `system_color_activecaption` specifies the left side color. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) require -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS windows_98_required: (create {WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION} end).is_windows_98_compatible ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_gradientinactivecaption: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Right side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's -- title bar. `system_color_inactivecaption` specifies the left side color. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) require -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS windows_98_required: (create {WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION} end).is_windows_98_compatible ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_graytext: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for grayed (disabled) text. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_highlight: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for item(s) selected in a control. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_highlighttext: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for text of item(s) selected in a control. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_hotlight: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for a hot-tracked item. Single clicking a hot-tracked item executes the item. -- (Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000 or later) -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) require -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS windows_98_required: (create {WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION} end).is_windows_98_compatible ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_inactiveborder: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for inactive window border. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_inactivecaption: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for inactive window caption. -- -- Windows 98, Windows 2000: Specifies the left side color in the -- color gradient of an inactive window's title bar if the gradient -- effect is enabled. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_inactivecaptiontext: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color of text in an inactive caption. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_info_text: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Background color for tooltip text -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_infobk: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Background color for tooltip -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_menu: WEL_COLOR_REF -- background color for menus. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_menubar: WEL_COLOR_REF -- The background color for the menu bar when menus appear as flat menus (see SystemParametersInfo). -- However, `system_color_menu` continues to specify the background color of the menu popup. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) require -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS windows_xp_required: (create {WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION} end).is_windows_xp_compatible ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_menuhilight: WEL_COLOR_REF -- The color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu (see SystemParametersInfo). -- The highlighted menu item is outlined with `system_color_highlight`. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) require -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS windows_xp_required: (create {WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION} end).is_windows_xp_compatible ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_menutext: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for text in menus. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_scrollbar: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for the scroll bar gray area. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_window: WEL_COLOR_REF -- background for windows. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_windowframe: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for window frame. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_color_windowtext: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Color for text in windows. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS) ensure -- from WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS result_exists: Result /= Void system_font: WEL_FONT -- Default system font. -- (from WEL_SHARED_FONTS) ensure -- from WEL_SHARED_FONTS font_created: Result /= Void and then Result.exists system_menu: WEL_MENU -- Associated system menu -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists has_system_menu: has_system_menu ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void Wa_active: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Window gains activation via alt-tab -- (from WEL_WA_CONSTANTS) Wa_clickactive: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Window gains activation via mouse click -- (from WEL_WA_CONSTANTS) Wa_inactivate: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Window loses activation -- (from WEL_WA_CONSTANTS) Wel_color_constants: WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS -- Access to COLOR_xxx constants. -- (from WEL_CONSTANTS) Wel_drawing_constants: WEL_DRAWING_CONSTANTS -- Drawing Constants -- Include constants: -- DI_xxxx -- DT_xxxx -- ... -- (from WEL_CONSTANTS) Wel_ht_constants: WEL_HT_CONSTANTS -- Access to Ht_xxxconstnats -- (from WEL_CONSTANTS) Wel_input_constants: WEL_INPUT_CONSTANTS -- Mouse Constants -- Include constants: -- MA_xxxx -- ... -- (from WEL_CONSTANTS) Wel_list_view_constants: WEL_LIST_VIEW_CONSTANTS -- ListView Control Constants -- Include constants: -- LVM_xxxx -- LVS_xxxx -- LVN_xxxx -- ... -- (from WEL_CONSTANTS) Wel_ownerdraw_constants: WEL_ODS_CONSTANTS -- Owner Drawing Constants -- Include constants: -- ODS_xxxx -- ... -- (from WEL_CONSTANTS) Wel_window_constants: WEL_WINDOW_CONSTANTS -- Window managment constants: -- Include constants: -- WM_xxxx -- ... -- (from WEL_CONSTANTS) Wm_activate: INTEGER_32 = 6 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ACTIVATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_activateapp: INTEGER_32 = 28 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ACTIVATEAPP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_afxfirst: INTEGER_32 = 864 -- Declared in Windows as WM_AFXFIRST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_afxlast: INTEGER_32 = 895 -- Declared in Windows as WM_AFXLAST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_app: INTEGER_32 = 32768 -- Declared in Windows as WM_APP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_appcommand: INTEGER_32 = 793 -- Declared in Windows as WM_APPCOMMAND -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_askcbformatname: INTEGER_32 = 780 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_canceljournal: INTEGER_32 = 75 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CANCELJOURNAL -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_cancelmode: INTEGER_32 = 31 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CANCELMODE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_capturechanged: INTEGER_32 = 533 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CAPTURECHANGED -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_changecbchain: INTEGER_32 = 781 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHANGECBCHAIN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_changeuistate: INTEGER_32 = 295 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHANGEUISTATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_char: INTEGER_32 = 258 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHAR -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_chartoitem: INTEGER_32 = 47 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHARTOITEM -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_childactivate: INTEGER_32 = 34 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHILDACTIVATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_clear: INTEGER_32 = 771 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CLEAR -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_close: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CLOSE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_command: INTEGER_32 = 273 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COMMAND -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_commnotify: INTEGER_32 = 68 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COMMNOTIFY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_compacting: INTEGER_32 = 65 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COMPACTING -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_compareitem: INTEGER_32 = 57 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COMPAREITEM -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_contextmenu: INTEGER_32 = 123 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CONTEXTMENU -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_copy: INTEGER_32 = 769 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COPY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_copydata: INTEGER_32 = 74 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COPYDATA -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_create: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CREATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcolor: INTEGER_32 = 25 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLOR -- (from WEL_WM_CTLCOLOR_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcolorbtn: INTEGER_32 = 309 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLORBTN -- (from WEL_WM_CTLCOLOR_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcolordialog: INTEGER_32 = 310 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLORDIALOG -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcolordlg: INTEGER_32 = 310 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLORDLG -- (from WEL_WM_CTLCOLOR_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcoloredit: INTEGER_32 = 307 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLOREDIT -- (from WEL_WM_CTLCOLOR_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcolorlistbox: INTEGER_32 = 308 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX -- (from WEL_WM_CTLCOLOR_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcolormsgbox: INTEGER_32 = 306 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX -- (from WEL_WM_CTLCOLOR_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcolorscrollbar: INTEGER_32 = 311 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR -- (from WEL_WM_CTLCOLOR_CONSTANTS) Wm_ctlcolorstatic: INTEGER_32 = 312 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC -- (from WEL_WM_CTLCOLOR_CONSTANTS) Wm_cut: INTEGER_32 = 768 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CUT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_deadchar: INTEGER_32 = 259 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DEADCHAR -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_deleteitem: INTEGER_32 = 45 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DELETEITEM -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_destroy: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DESTROY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_destroyclipboard: INTEGER_32 = 775 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_devicechange: INTEGER_32 = 537 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DEVICECHANGE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_devmodechange: INTEGER_32 = 27 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DEVMODECHANGE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_displaychange: INTEGER_32 = 126 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DISPLAYCHANGE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_dpichanged: INTEGER_32 = 736 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DPICHANGED -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_drawclipboard: INTEGER_32 = 776 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_drawitem: INTEGER_32 = 43 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DRAWITEM -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_dropfiles: INTEGER_32 = 563 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DROPFILES -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_enable: INTEGER_32 = 10 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENABLE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_endsession: INTEGER_32 = 22 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENDSESSION -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_enteridle: INTEGER_32 = 289 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERIDLE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_entermenuloop: INTEGER_32 = 529 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERMENULOOP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_entersizemove: INTEGER_32 = 561 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_erasebkgnd: INTEGER_32 = 20 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ERASEBKGND -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_exitmenuloop: INTEGER_32 = 530 -- Declared in Windows as WM_EXITMENULOOP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_exitsizemove: INTEGER_32 = 562 -- Declared in Windows as WM_EXITSIZEMOVE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_fontchange: INTEGER_32 = 29 -- Declared in Windows as WM_FONTCHANGE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_getdlgcode: INTEGER_32 = 135 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETDLGCODE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_getfont: INTEGER_32 = 49 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETFONT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_gethotkey: INTEGER_32 = 51 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETHOTKEY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_geticon: INTEGER_32 = 127 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETICON -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_getminmaxinfo: INTEGER_32 = 36 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETMINMAXINFO -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_getobject: INTEGER_32 = 61 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETOBJECT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_gettext: INTEGER_32 = 13 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETTEXT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_gettextlength: INTEGER_32 = 14 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETTEXTLENGTH -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_handheldfirst: INTEGER_32 = 856 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HANDHELDFIRST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_handheldlast: INTEGER_32 = 863 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HANDHELDLAST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_help: INTEGER_32 = 83 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HELP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_hotkey: INTEGER_32 = 786 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HOTKEY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_hscroll: INTEGER_32 = 276 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HSCROLL -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_hscrollclipboard: INTEGER_32 = 782 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_iconerasebkgnd: INTEGER_32 = 39 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ICONERASEBKGND -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_char: INTEGER_32 = 646 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_CHAR -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_composition: INTEGER_32 = 271 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_COMPOSITION -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_compositionfull: INTEGER_32 = 644 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_control: INTEGER_32 = 643 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_CONTROL -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_endcomposition: INTEGER_32 = 270 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_keydown: INTEGER_32 = 656 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) wm_ime_keylast: INTEGER_32 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYLAST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_keyup: INTEGER_32 = 657 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_notify: INTEGER_32 = 642 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_NOTIFY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_request: INTEGER_32 = 648 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_REQUEST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_select: INTEGER_32 = 645 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_SELECT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_setcontext: INTEGER_32 = 641 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_SETCONTEXT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ime_startcomposition: INTEGER_32 = 269 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_initdialog: INTEGER_32 = 272 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INITDIALOG -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_initmenu: INTEGER_32 = 278 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INITMENU -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_initmenupopup: INTEGER_32 = 279 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INITMENUPOPUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_inputlangchange: INTEGER_32 = 81 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_inputlangchangerequest: INTEGER_32 = 80 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_keydown: INTEGER_32 = 256 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_keyfirst: INTEGER_32 = 256 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYFIRST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) wm_keylast: INTEGER_32 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYLAST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_keyup: INTEGER_32 = 257 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_killfocus: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KILLFOCUS -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_lbuttondblclk: INTEGER_32 = 515 -- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_lbuttondown: INTEGER_32 = 513 -- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_lbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 514 -- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mbuttondblclk: INTEGER_32 = 521 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mbuttondown: INTEGER_32 = 519 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 520 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdiactivate: INTEGER_32 = 546 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIACTIVATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdicascade: INTEGER_32 = 551 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDICASCADE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdicreate: INTEGER_32 = 544 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDICREATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdidestroy: INTEGER_32 = 545 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIDESTROY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdigetactive: INTEGER_32 = 553 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIGETACTIVE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdiiconarrange: INTEGER_32 = 552 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIICONARRANGE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdimaximize: INTEGER_32 = 549 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIMAXIMIZE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdinext: INTEGER_32 = 548 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDINEXT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdirefreshmenu: INTEGER_32 = 564 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIREFRESHMENU -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdirestore: INTEGER_32 = 547 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIRESTORE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mdisetmenu: INTEGER_32 = 560 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDISETMENU -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mditile: INTEGER_32 = 550 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDITILE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_measureitem: INTEGER_32 = 44 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MEASUREITEM -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_menuchar: INTEGER_32 = 288 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUCHAR -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_menucommand: INTEGER_32 = 294 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUCOMMAND -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_menudrag: INTEGER_32 = 291 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUDRAG -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_menugetobject: INTEGER_32 = 292 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUGETOBJECT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_menurbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 290 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENURBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_menuselect: INTEGER_32 = 287 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUSELECT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mouseactivate: INTEGER_32 = 33 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEACTIVATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mousefirst: INTEGER_32 = 512 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEFIRST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mousehover: INTEGER_32 = 673 -- Require Windows98, Windows NT 4.0 or later -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEHOVER -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) wm_mouselast: INTEGER_32 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSELAST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mouseleave: INTEGER_32 = 675 -- Require Windows98, Windows NT 4.0 or later -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSELEAVE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mousemove: INTEGER_32 = 512 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEMOVE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_mousewheel: INTEGER_32 = 522 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEWHEEL -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_move: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOVE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_moving: INTEGER_32 = 534 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOVING -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncactivate: INTEGER_32 = 134 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCACTIVATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_nccalcsize: INTEGER_32 = 131 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCCALCSIZE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_nccreate: INTEGER_32 = 129 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCCREATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncdestroy: INTEGER_32 = 130 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCDESTROY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_nchittest: INTEGER_32 = 132 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCHITTEST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_nclbuttondblclk: INTEGER_32 = 163 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_nclbuttondown: INTEGER_32 = 161 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_nclbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 162 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncmbuttondblclk: INTEGER_32 = 169 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncmbuttondown: INTEGER_32 = 167 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncmbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 168 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncmousehover: INTEGER_32 = 672 -- Require Windows98, Windows NT 5.0 or later -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSEHOVER -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncmouseleave: INTEGER_32 = 674 -- Require Windows98, Windows NT 5.0 or later -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSELEAVE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncmousemove: INTEGER_32 = 160 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSEMOVE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncpaint: INTEGER_32 = 133 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCPAINT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncrbuttondblclk: INTEGER_32 = 166 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncrbuttondown: INTEGER_32 = 164 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncrbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 165 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncxbuttondblclk: INTEGER_32 = 173 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncxbuttondown: INTEGER_32 = 171 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_ncxbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 172 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_nextdlgctl: INTEGER_32 = 40 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NEXTDLGCTL -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_nextmenu: INTEGER_32 = 531 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NEXTMENU -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_notify: INTEGER_32 = 78 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NOTIFY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_notifyformat: INTEGER_32 = 85 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NOTIFYFORMAT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_null: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NULL -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_paint: INTEGER_32 = 15 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_paintclipboard: INTEGER_32 = 777 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_painticon: INTEGER_32 = 38 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINTICON -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_palettechanged: INTEGER_32 = 785 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PALETTECHANGED -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_paletteischanging: INTEGER_32 = 784 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PALETTEISCHANGING -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_parentnotify: INTEGER_32 = 528 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PARENTNOTIFY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_paste: INTEGER_32 = 770 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PASTE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_penwinfirst: INTEGER_32 = 896 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PENWINFIRST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_penwinlast: INTEGER_32 = 911 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PENWINLAST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_power: INTEGER_32 = 72 -- Declared in Windows as WM_POWER -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_powerbroadcast: INTEGER_32 = 536 -- Declared in Windows as WM_POWERBROADCAST -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_print: INTEGER_32 = 791 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PRINT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_printclient: INTEGER_32 = 792 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PRINTCLIENT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_querydragicon: INTEGER_32 = 55 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYDRAGICON -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_queryendsession: INTEGER_32 = 17 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYENDSESSION -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_querynewpalette: INTEGER_32 = 783 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_queryopen: INTEGER_32 = 19 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYOPEN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_queryuistate: INTEGER_32 = 297 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYUISTATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_queuesync: INTEGER_32 = 35 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUEUESYNC -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_quit: INTEGER_32 = 18 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUIT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_rbuttondblclk: INTEGER_32 = 518 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_rbuttondown: INTEGER_32 = 516 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_rbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 517 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_renderallformats: INTEGER_32 = 774 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RENDERALLFORMATS -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_renderformat: INTEGER_32 = 773 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RENDERFORMAT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_set_window_pos_msg: INTEGER_32 = 1025 -- Our own messaging -- (from WEL_RESIZING_SUPPORT) Wm_setcursor: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETCURSOR -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_setfocus: INTEGER_32 = 7 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETFOCUS -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_setfont: INTEGER_32 = 48 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETFONT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_sethotkey: INTEGER_32 = 50 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETHOTKEY -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_seticon: INTEGER_32 = 128 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETICON -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_setredraw: INTEGER_32 = 11 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETREDRAW -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_settext: INTEGER_32 = 12 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETTEXT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_settingchange: INTEGER_32 = 26 -- Declared in Windows as WM_WININICHANGE -- Was declared in {WEL_WM_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `wm_wininichange`. -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_showwindow: INTEGER_32 = 24 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SHOWWINDOW -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_size: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SIZE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_sizeclipboard: INTEGER_32 = 779 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SIZECLIPBOARD -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_sizing: INTEGER_32 = 532 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SIZING -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_spoolerstatus: INTEGER_32 = 42 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SPOOLERSTATUS -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_stylechanged: INTEGER_32 = 125 -- Declared in Windows as WM_STYLECHANGED -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_stylechanging: INTEGER_32 = 124 -- Declared in Windows as WM_STYLECHANGING -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_syncpaint: INTEGER_32 = 136 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYNCPAINT -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_syschar: INTEGER_32 = 262 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCHAR -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_syscolorchange: INTEGER_32 = 21 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_syscommand: INTEGER_32 = 274 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCOMMAND -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_sysdeadchar: INTEGER_32 = 263 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSDEADCHAR -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_syskeydown: INTEGER_32 = 260 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSKEYDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_syskeyup: INTEGER_32 = 261 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSKEYUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_tcard: INTEGER_32 = 82 -- Declared in Windows as WM_TCARD -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_themechanged: INTEGER_32 = 794 -- Declared in Windows as WM_THEMECHANGED -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_timechange: INTEGER_32 = 30 -- Declared in Windows as WM_TIMECHANGE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_timer: INTEGER_32 = 275 -- Declared in Windows as WM_TIMER -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_undo: INTEGER_32 = 772 -- Declared in Windows as WM_UNDO -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_uninitmenupopup: INTEGER_32 = 293 -- Declared in Windows as WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_updateuistate: INTEGER_32 = 296 -- Declared in Windows as WM_UPDATEUISTATE -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_user: INTEGER_32 = 1024 -- Declared in Windows as WM_USER -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_userchanged: INTEGER_32 = 84 -- Declared in Windows as WM_USERCHANGED -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_vkeytoitem: INTEGER_32 = 46 -- Declared in Windows as WM_VKEYTOITEM -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_vscroll: INTEGER_32 = 277 -- Declared in Windows as WM_VSCROLL -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_vscrollclipboard: INTEGER_32 = 778 -- Declared in Windows as WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_windowposchanged: INTEGER_32 = 71 -- Declared in Windows as WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_windowposchanging: INTEGER_32 = 70 -- Declared in Windows as WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_wininichange: INTEGER_32 = 26 -- Declared in Windows as WM_WININICHANGE -- Was declared in {WEL_WM_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `wm_settingchange`. -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_xbuttondblclk: INTEGER_32 = 525 -- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_xbuttondown: INTEGER_32 = 523 -- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONDOWN -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) Wm_xbuttonup: INTEGER_32 = 524 -- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONUP -- (from WEL_WM_CONSTANTS) feature -- Comparison frozen deep_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void -- or attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class shallow_implies_deep: standard_equal (a, b) implies Result both_or_none_void: (a = Void) implies (Result = (b = Void)) same_type: (Result and (a /= Void)) implies (b /= Void and then a.same_type (b)) symmetric: Result implies deep_equal (b, a) frozen equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached -- to objects considered equal? -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.is_equal (b)) frozen is_deep_equal alias "≡≡≡" (other: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Are Current and other attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY shallow_implies_deep: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.is_deep_equal (Current) is_equal (other: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object considered -- equal to current object? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY symmetric: Result implies other ~ Current consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result frozen standard_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached to -- field-by-field identical objects of the same type? -- Always uses default object comparison criterion. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.standard_is_equal (b)) frozen standard_is_equal alias "≜" (other: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object of the same type -- as current object, and field-by-field identical to it? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.standard_is_equal (Current) feature -- Status report absolute_x: INTEGER_32 -- Absolute x position -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW Result = window_rect.x absolute_y: INTEGER_32 -- Absolute y position -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW Result = window_rect.y background_brush: detachable WEL_BRUSH -- Current window background color used to refresh the window when -- requested by the WM_ERASEBKGND windows message. -- By default there is no background -- (from WEL_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW new_object: Result /= Void implies Result /= background_brush background_brush_gdip: detachable WEL_GDIP_BRUSH -- GDI+ version of `background_brush` -- Result void if GDI+ not available -- (from WEL_WINDOW) caption_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of normal caption area -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) captured_window: detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Current window which has been captured. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists window_captured: window_captured child_window_from_point (point: WEL_POINT): POINTER -- Result is pointer to child window as position point. -- Only checks children and their children and returns a child even -- if over a HTTRANSPARENT area of the child. Corresponds to -- the ChildWindowFromPoint Windows API call. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW point_not_void: point /= Void point_exists: point.exists client_rect: WEL_RECT -- Client rectangle -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void closeable: BOOLEAN -- Can the user close the window? -- Yes by default. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) command (message: INTEGER_32): WEL_COMMAND -- Command associated to message -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW positive_message: message >= 0 command_exists: command_exists (message) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void command_argument (message: INTEGER_32): detachable ANY -- Command argument associated to message -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW positive_message: message >= 0 command_exists: command_exists (message) command_exists (message: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- Does a command associated to message exist? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW positive_message: message >= 0 ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW definition: Result implies attached commands as l_commands_var and then l_commands_var.item (message) /= Void commands_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the commands execution enabled? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) conforms_to (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Does type of current object conform to type -- of other (as per Eiffel: The Language, chapter 13)? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void cursor_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of the cursor -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) cursor_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of the cursor -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) dbcs_installed: BOOLEAN -- Is the double-byte character set (DBCS) version -- of USER.EXE installed? -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) debug_installed: BOOLEAN -- Is the debugging version of USER.EXE installed? -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) dialog_window_frame_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of window frame for window that -- has the `ws_dlgframe` style -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) dialog_window_frame_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of window frame for window that -- has the `ws_dlgframe` style -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) double_click_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of a rectangle around the location of a -- first click in a double-click sequence. The second -- click must occur within this rectangle for the -- system to consider the two clicks a double-click. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) double_click_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of a rectangle around the location of a -- first click in a double-click sequence. The second -- click must occur within this rectangle for the -- system to consider the two clicks a double-click. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the window enabled for mouse and keyboard input? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ex_style: INTEGER_32 -- Window ex_style -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists exists: BOOLEAN -- Does the `item` exist? -- (from WEL_ANY) ensure -- from WEL_ANY Result = (item /= default_pointer) flag_set (flags, mask: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is mask set in flags? -- (from WEL_BIT_OPERATIONS) focused_window: detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Current window which has the focus. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists foreground_window: detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Foreground window (window with focus) -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) full_screen_client_area_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of the client area for a full-screen window -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) full_screen_client_area_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of the client area for a full-screen window -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) has_capture: BOOLEAN -- Does this window have the capture? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists has_focus: BOOLEAN -- Does this window have the focus? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists has_horizontal_scroll_bar: BOOLEAN -- Does this window have a horizontal scroll bar? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists has_menu: BOOLEAN -- Does the window have a menu? -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists has_system_menu: BOOLEAN -- Does the window have a system menu? -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists has_vertical_scroll_bar: BOOLEAN -- Does this window have a vertical scroll bar? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists height: INTEGER_32 -- Window height -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists horizontal_position: INTEGER_32 -- Current position of the horizontal scroll box -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_small_enough: Result <= maximal_horizontal_position result_large_enough: Result >= minimal_horizontal_position horizontal_scroll_bar_arrow_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of arrow bitmap on horizontal scrollbar -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) horizontal_scroll_bar_arrow_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of arrow bitmap on horizontal scrollbar -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) horizontal_scroll_bar_thumb_width: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) icon_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of an icon -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) icon_spacing_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of rectangular cell that Program Manager -- uses to position tiled icons -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) icon_spacing_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of rectangular cell that Program Manager -- uses to position tiled icons -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) icon_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of an icon -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) imm_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the IMM enabled (works only for Windows 2000 and -- and Asian locale machines (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)) -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) is_inside: BOOLEAN -- Is the current window inside another window? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists is_remote_session: BOOLEAN -- Is current applications displayed using remote desktop? -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) is_terminal_service: BOOLEAN -- If window in terminal service (Remote Desktop)? -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) require -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES after_2000: (create {WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION} end).is_windows_2000_compatible is_window (hwnd: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Does hwnd point to a valid Window? -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) kanji_window_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of the Kanji window at the bottom of the -- screen. For double-byte character set versions of -- Windows only. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) key_down (virtual_key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN --Is 'virtual' key pressed -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) key_locked (virtual_key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN --Is 'virtual' key locked -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) key_to_string (key_data: INTEGER_32): STRING_32 -- Give the string associated with the key given by -- virtual_key. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) maximal_height: INTEGER_32 -- Maximal height allowed for the window -- (from WEL_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW result_large_enough: Result >= minimal_height maximal_horizontal_position: INTEGER_32 -- Maxium position of the horizontal scroll box -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_large_enough: Result >= minimal_horizontal_position maximal_vertical_position: INTEGER_32 -- Maxium position of the vertical scroll box -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_large_enough: Result >= minimal_vertical_position maximal_width: INTEGER_32 -- Maximal width allowed for the window -- (from WEL_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW result_large_enough: Result >= minimal_width maximized: BOOLEAN -- Is the window maximized? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists maximized_window_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of a maximized window -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) maximized_window_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of a maximized window -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) menu_bar_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of single-line menu bar -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) minimal_height: INTEGER_32 -- Minimal height allowed for the window -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW positive_result: Result >= 0 result_small_enough: Result <= maximal_height minimal_horizontal_position: INTEGER_32 -- Minimum position of the horizontal scroll box -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_small_enough: Result <= maximal_horizontal_position minimal_vertical_position: INTEGER_32 -- Minimum position of the vertical scroll box -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_small_enough: Result <= maximal_vertical_position minimal_width: INTEGER_32 -- Minimal width allowed for the window -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW positive_result: Result >= 0 result_small_enough: Result <= maximal_width minimized: BOOLEAN -- Is the window minimized? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists monitor_count: INTEGER_32 -- Number of monitors used for displaying virtual screen. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) mouse_button_swapped: BOOLEAN -- Are the meanings of the left and right mouse -- buttons swapped? -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) mouse_installed: BOOLEAN -- Is a mouse installed? -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) pen_installed: BOOLEAN -- Is a pen installed? -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) placement: WEL_WINDOW_PLACEMENT -- Window placement information -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void popup_menu_right_aligned: BOOLEAN -- Are pop-up menus right-aligned relative to the -- corresponding menu-bar item? -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) same_type (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is type of current object identical to type of other? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY definition: Result = (conforms_to (other) and other.conforms_to (Current)) screen_height: INTEGER_32 -- Screen height -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) screen_width: INTEGER_32 -- Screen width -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) shared: BOOLEAN -- Is `item` shared by another object? -- If False (by default), `item` will -- be destroyed by `destroy_item`. -- If True, `item` will not be destroyed. -- (from WEL_ANY) shown: BOOLEAN -- Is the window shown? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists style: INTEGER_32 -- Window style -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists system_directory: STRING_32 -- Path of the Windows system directory -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES result_not_void: Result /= Void text: STRING_32 -- Window text -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void text_length: INTEGER_32 -- Text length -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW positive_result: Result >= 0 text_substring (nb: INTEGER_32): WEL_STRING -- nb code units of `text` retrieved as a WEL_STRING. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists valid_upper_bound: nb <= text_length tick_count: INTEGER_32 -- Number of milliseconds that have -- elapsed since Windows was started. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES positive_result: Result >= 0 title_bar_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of title bar. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) title_bar_image_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of bitmap contained in title bar. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) title_bar_image_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of bitmap contained in title bar. -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) valid_color_constant (c: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is c a valid color constant? -- (from WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS) valid_hwnd_constant (c: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Is c a valid hwnd constant? -- (from WEL_HWND_CONSTANTS) vertical_position: INTEGER_32 -- Current position of the vertical scroll box -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW result_small_enough: Result <= maximal_vertical_position result_large_enough: Result >= minimal_vertical_position vertical_scroll_bar_arrow_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of arrow bitmap on vertical scrollbar -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) vertical_scroll_bar_arrow_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of arrow bitmap on vertical scrollbar -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) vertical_scroll_bar_thumb_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of vertical scrollbar thumb -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) virtual_screen_height: INTEGER_32 -- Screen height -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) virtual_screen_width: INTEGER_32 -- Screen width -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) virtual_screen_x: INTEGER_32 -- Screen width -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) virtual_screen_y: INTEGER_32 -- Screen height -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) width: INTEGER_32 -- Window width -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists window_border_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of the border of a window -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) window_border_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of the border of a window -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) window_captured: BOOLEAN -- Has a window been captured? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) window_frame_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of window frame for a window -- that can be resized -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) window_frame_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of window frame for a window -- that can be resized -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) window_minimum_height: INTEGER_32 -- Minimum height of a window -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) window_minimum_width: INTEGER_32 -- Minimum width of a window -- (from WEL_SYSTEM_METRICS) window_of_item (hwnd: POINTER): detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Retrieve Eiffel object associated with hwnd pointer. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) require -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES hwnd_not_null: hwnd /= default_pointer is_window_pointer: is_window (hwnd) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES is_wel_window: Result /= Void end implies (create {INTERNAL} end).type_conforms_to ((create {INTERNAL} end).dynamic_type (Result), (create {INTERNAL} end).dynamic_type_from_string ("WEL_WINDOW")) is_proper_wel_window: Result /= Void implies Result.item = hwnd window_rect: WEL_RECT -- Window rectangle (absolute position) -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void windows_directory: STRING_32 -- Path of the Windows directory -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES result_not_void: Result /= Void x: INTEGER_32 -- Window x position -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW parent = Void implies Result = absolute_x y: INTEGER_32 -- Window y position -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW parent = Void implies Result = absolute_y feature -- Status setting disable -- Disable mouse and keyboard input -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW disabled: not enabled disable_commands -- Disable commands execution. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW commands_disabled: not commands_enabled disable_default_processing -- Disable default window processing. -- The standard window procedure will not be called for -- each messages received by the window and then the -- normal behavior will not occur. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW default_processing_disabled: not default_processing disable_drag_accept_files -- Disallow Current from being a file drag and drop target. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists enable -- Enable mouse and keyboard input. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW enabled: enabled enable_commands -- Enable commands execution. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW commands_enabled: commands_enabled enable_default_processing -- Enable default window processing. -- The standard window procedure will be called for -- each messages received by the window and then the -- normal behavior will occur. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW default_processing_enabled: default_processing enable_drag_accept_files -- Allow Current to be a file drag and drop target. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists hide -- Hide the window -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW hidden: not shown horizontal_update (inc, position: INTEGER_32) -- Update the window and the horizontal scroll box with -- inc and position. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_not_void: scroller /= Void position_small_enough: attached scroller as l_scroller and then l_scroller.valid_maximal_horizontal_position (position) position_large_enough: position >= minimal_horizontal_position ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW horizontal_position_set: horizontal_position = position maximize -- Maximize the window -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW maximized: maximized minimize -- Minimize the window and display its icon -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW minimized: minimized release_capture -- Release the mouse capture after a call -- to `set_capture`. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists has_capture: has_capture ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW not_has_capture: not has_capture restore -- Restore the window to its -- original size and position after -- `minimize` or `maximize` -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_capture -- Set the mouse capture to the Current window. -- Once the window has captured the mouse, all -- mouse input is directed to this window, regardless -- of whether the cursor is over that window. Only -- one window can have the mouse capture at a time. -- -- Works only for windows in the same thread as your -- application. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists has_not_capture: not has_capture set_ex_style (an_ex_style: INTEGER_32) -- Set an_ex_style with `ex_style`. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_focus -- Set the focus to Current -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_horizontal_position (position: INTEGER_32) -- Set `horizontal_position` with position. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void position_small_enough: attached scroller as l_scroller_var and then l_scroller_var.valid_maximal_horizontal_position (position) position_large_enough: position >= minimal_horizontal_position ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW horizontal_position_set: horizontal_position = position set_horizontal_range (minimum, maximum: INTEGER_32) -- Set `minimal_horizontal_position` and -- `maximal_horizontal_position` with minimum and -- maximum. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void consistent_range: minimum <= maximum ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW minimal_horizontal_position_set: minimal_horizontal_position = minimum maximal_horizontal_position_set: maximal_horizontal_position = maximum set_icon (a_small_icon: WEL_ICON; a_big_icon: WEL_ICON) -- Set the small (16x16) and the normal (32x32) icon for this window. -- -- Note: Set a_small_icon to Void to remove the small icon and -- a_big_icon to Void to remove the big icon. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) set_menu (a_menu: WEL_MENU) -- Set `menu` with a_menu. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists a_menu_not_void: a_menu /= Void a_menu_exists: a_menu.exists ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW has_menu: has_menu menu_set: menu.item = a_menu.item set_shared -- Set `shared` to True. -- (from WEL_ANY) ensure -- from WEL_ANY shared: shared set_style (a_style: INTEGER_32) -- Set `style` with a_style. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_unshared -- Set `shared` to False. -- (from WEL_ANY) ensure -- from WEL_ANY unshared: not shared set_vertical_position (position: INTEGER_32) -- Set `vertical_position` with position. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void position_small_enough: attached scroller as l_scroller_var and then l_scroller_var.valid_maximal_vertical_position (position) position_large_enough: position >= minimal_vertical_position ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW vertical_position_set: vertical_position = position set_vertical_range (minimum, maximum: INTEGER_32) -- Set `minimal_vertical_position` and -- `maximal_vertical_position` with minimum and -- maximum. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_exists: scroller /= Void consistent_range: minimum <= maximum ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW minimal_vertical_position_set: minimal_vertical_position = minimum maximal_vertical_position_set: maximal_vertical_position = maximum show -- Show the window -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists unset_menu -- Unset the current menu associated to the window. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW menu_unset: not has_menu update_cached_style (new_ex_style, old_ex_style: INTEGER_32) -- Update Window cache buffer for Window style. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) vertical_update (inc, position: INTEGER_32) -- Update the window and the vertical scroll box with -- inc and position. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists scroller_not_void: scroller /= Void position_small_enough: attached scroller as l_scroller and then l_scroller.valid_maximal_vertical_position (position) position_large_enough: position >= minimal_vertical_position ensure -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW vertical_position_set: vertical_position = position feature -- Element change disable_redraw -- Disable redrawing of Current until next call to `enable_redraw`. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists enable_redraw -- Ensure Current is redrawn as required. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists has_system_window_locked: BOOLEAN -- Is there any window locked ? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) lock_window_update -- Disables drawing in the current window. A locked window cannot be moved. -- Only one window can be locked at a time. To unlock a window locked with -- `lock_window_update` , call 'unlock_window_update'. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW has_system_window_locked set_height (a_height: INTEGER_32) -- Set `height` with a_height -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_item (an_item: POINTER) -- Set `item` with an_item -- (from WEL_ANY) ensure -- from WEL_ANY item_set: item = an_item set_parent (a_parent: detachable WEL_WINDOW) -- Change the parent of the current window. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_placement (a_placement: WEL_WINDOW_PLACEMENT) -- Set `placement` with a_placement -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists a_placement_not_void: a_placement /= Void a_placement_exists: a_placement.exists set_text (a_text: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set the window text -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW text_set_when_not_void: a_text /= Void implies text.same_string_general (a_text) text_set_when_void: a_text = Void implies text.count = 0 set_timer (timer_id, time_out: INTEGER_32) -- Set a timer identified by timer_id with a -- time_out value (in milliseconds). -- See also `on_timer`, `kill_timer`. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists positive_timer_id: timer_id > 0 positive_time_out: time_out > 0 set_width (a_width: INTEGER_32) -- Set `width` with a_width -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_x (a_x: INTEGER_32) -- Set `x` with a_x -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_y (a_y: INTEGER_32) -- Set `y` with a_y -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists unlock_window_update -- Unlock a locked window. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists feature -- Removal dispose -- Free allocated memory. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from DISPOSABLE True feature -- Duplication copy (other: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER) -- Update current object using fields of object attached -- to other, so as to yield equal objects. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure -- from ANY is_equal: Current ~ other frozen deep_copy (other: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER) -- Effect equivalent to that of: -- `copy` (other . `deep_twin`) -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, other) frozen deep_twin: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER -- New object structure recursively duplicated from Current. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY deep_twin_not_void: Result /= Void deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, Result) frozen standard_copy (other: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER) -- Copy every field of other onto corresponding field -- of current object. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure -- from ANY is_standard_equal: standard_is_equal (other) frozen standard_twin: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER -- New object field-by-field identical to other. -- Always uses default copying semantics. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY standard_twin_not_void: Result /= Void equal: standard_equal (Result, Current) frozen twin: EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER -- New object equal to Current -- `twin` calls `copy`; to change copying/twinning semantics, redefine `copy`. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY twin_not_void: Result /= Void is_equal: Result ~ Current feature -- Miscellaneous Cw_usedefault: INTEGER_32 = -2147483648 -- Declared in Windows as CW_USEDEFAULT -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- Basic operations bring_to_top -- Bring this window to the top of the Z order. -- -- Note: -- * If the window is a top-level window, it is activated. -- * If the window is a child window, the top-level parent window -- associated with the child window is activated. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists clear_flag (flags, mask: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- Clear the mask in flags -- (from WEL_BIT_OPERATIONS) ensure -- from WEL_BIT_OPERATIONS flag_unset: not flag_set (Result, mask) cwin_hi_word (value: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- SDK HIWORD -- (from WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS) cwin_lo_word (value: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- SDK LOWORD -- (from WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS) cwin_make_long (low, high: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- SDK MAKELONG -- (from WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS) cwin_make_lparam (low, high: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- SKD MAKELPARAM -- (from WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS) frozen default: detachable EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER -- Default value of object's type -- (from ANY) frozen default_pointer: POINTER -- Default value of type POINTER -- (Avoid the need to write p.`default` for -- some p of type POINTER.) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class default_rescue -- Process exception for routines with no Rescue clause. -- (Default: do nothing.) -- (from ANY) destroy -- Destroy the window and quit the application -- if Current is the application's main window. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW not_exists: not exists disable_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Disable the horizontal scroll bar. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists disable_vertical_scroll_bar -- Disable the vertical scroll bar. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists frozen do_nothing -- Execute a null action. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class draw_menu -- Draw the menu bar associated with the window. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists has_menu: has_menu eif_current_object_id: INTEGER_32 -- New identifier for Current -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) ensure -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES eif_current_object_id: Result > 0 inserted: eif_is_object_id_of_current (Result) eif_id_any_object (an_id: INTEGER_32): detachable ANY -- Object associated with an_id -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) require -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES an_id_non_negative: an_id >= 0 ensure -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES instance_free: class eif_is_object_id_of_current (an_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is an_id the associated object ID of Current. -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) require -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES an_id_non_negative: an_id >= 0 eif_object_id (an_object: ANY): INTEGER_32 -- New identifier for an_object -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) ensure -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES instance_free: class eif_object_id_positive: Result > 0 inserted: eif_id_any_object (Result) = an_object eif_object_id_free (an_id: INTEGER_32) -- Free the entry an_id -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) require -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES an_id_non_negative: an_id >= 0 ensure -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES instance_free: class removed: eif_id_any_object (an_id) = Void enable_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Enable the horizontal scroll bar. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists enable_vertical_scroll_bar -- Enable the vertical scroll bar. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists hide_cursor -- Hide the cursor. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) hide_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Hide the horizontal scroll bar. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists hide_scroll_bars -- Hide the horizontal and vertical scroll bars. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists hide_vertical_scroll_bar -- Hide the vertical scroll bar. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists insert_after (a_window: WEL_WINDOW) -- Insert the current window after a_window. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists a_window_not_void: a_window /= Void a_window_not_current: a_window /= Current a_window_exists: a_window.exists invalidate -- Invalide the entire client area of the window. The -- background will be erased before. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists invalidate_rect (rect: WEL_RECT; erase_background: BOOLEAN) -- Invalidate the area rect and erase -- the background if erase_background is True. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists rect_not_void: rect /= Void rect_exists: rect.exists invalidate_region (region: WEL_REGION; erase_background: BOOLEAN) -- Invalidate the area region and erase -- the background if erase_background is True. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists region_not_void: region /= Void region_exists: region.exists invalidate_without_background -- Invalidate the entire client area of the window. The -- background will not be erased. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists kill_timer (timer_id: INTEGER_32) -- Kill the timer identified by timer_id. -- See also `set_timer`, `on_timer`. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists positive_timer_id: timer_id > 0 message_beep_asterisk -- Play the system asterisk waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_exclamation -- Play the system exclamation waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_hand -- Play the system hand waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_ok -- Play the system ok waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_question -- Play the system question waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) move (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) -- Move the window to a_x, a_y. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists move_absolute (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) -- Move the window to a_x, a_y absolute position. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW exists: exists move_and_resize (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32; repaint: BOOLEAN) -- Move the window to a_x, a_y position and -- resize it with a_width, a_height. -- (from WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists output_debug_string (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Send a string s to the system debugger. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) require -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES s_not_void: s /= Void put_command (a_command: WEL_COMMAND; message: INTEGER_32; argument: detachable ANY) -- Put a_command associated to message. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW a_command_not_void: a_command /= Void positive_message: message >= 0 ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW command_added: command (message) = a_command and command_argument (message) = argument remove_command (message: INTEGER_32) -- Remove the command associated to message. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW positive_message: message >= 0 command_exists: command_exists (message) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW command_removed: not command_exists (message) resize (a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32) -- Resize the window with a_width, a_height. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists resource_string_id (an_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_32 -- String identified by an_id in the resource file. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES result_not_void: Result /= Void scroll (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) -- Scroll the contents of the window's client area. -- a_x and a_y specify the amount of horizontal -- and vertical scrolling. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists set_class_icon (new_icon: WEL_ICON) -- Replace the current icon for the class which this window -- belongs to. -- -- The SetClassLong function replaces the specified 32-bit (long) -- value at the specified offset into the extra class memory -- or the WNDCLASSEX structure for the class to which the -- specified window belongs. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW new_icon_not_void: new_icon /= Void new_icon_exists: new_icon.exists set_class_small_icon (new_icon: WEL_ICON) -- Replace the current icon for the class which this window -- belongs to. -- -- The SetClassLong function replaces the specified 32-bit (long) -- value at the specified offset into the extra class memory -- or the WNDCLASSEX structure for the class to which the -- specified window belongs. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW new_icon_not_void: new_icon /= Void new_icon_exists: new_icon.exists set_cursor_position_absolute (x, y: INTEGER_32) -- Set the cursor position to `x`, `y`. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) set_flag (flags, mask: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- Set the mask in flags -- (from WEL_BIT_OPERATIONS) ensure -- from WEL_BIT_OPERATIONS flag_set: flag_set (Result, mask) set_z_order (z_order: POINTER) -- Set the z-order of the window. -- See class WEL_HWND_CONSTANTS for z_order values. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists valid_hwnd_constant: valid_hwnd_constant (z_order) show_cursor -- Show the cursor. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) show_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Show the horizontal scroll bar. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists show_scroll_bars -- Show the horizontal and vertical scroll bars. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists show_vertical_scroll_bar -- Show the vertical scroll bar. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists show_with_option (cmd_show: INTEGER_32) -- Set the window's visibility with cmd_show. -- See class WEL_SW_CONSTANTS for cmd_show value. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists parent_shown: attached parent as l_parent implies l_parent.exists and l_parent.shown update -- Update the client area by sending a Wm_paint message. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists validate -- Validate the entire client area of the window. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists validate_rect (rect: WEL_RECT) -- Validate the area rect. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists rect_not_void: rect /= Void rect_exists: rect.exists validate_region (region: WEL_REGION) -- Validate the area region. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists region_not_void: region /= Void region_exists: region.exists win_help_from_path (help_path: PATH; a_command, data: INTEGER_32) -- Start the Windows Help program with help_path. -- a_command specifies the type of help requested. See -- class WEL_HELP_CONSTANTS for a_command values. -- 'data' is depandant on 'a_command'. Check MSDN for more details. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_WINDOW exists: exists help_file_not_void: help_path /= Void feature -- Basic window types Ws_child: INTEGER_32 = 1073741824 -- Declared in Windows as WS_CHILD -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_overlapped: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as WS_OVERLAPPED -- Was declared in {WEL_WS_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `ws_tiled`. -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_popup: INTEGER_32 = -2147483648 -- Declared in Windows as WS_POPUP -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_tiled: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as WS_OVERLAPPED -- Was declared in {WEL_WS_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `ws_overlapped`. -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- Clipping styles Ws_clipchildren: INTEGER_32 = 33554432 -- Declared in Windows as WS_CLIPCHILDREN -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_clipsiblings: INTEGER_32 = 67108864 -- Declared in Windows as WS_CLIPSIBLINGS -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- Common window styles Ws_childwindow: INTEGER_32 = 1073741824 -- Declared in Windows as WS_CHILDWINDOW -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_overlappedwindow: INTEGER_32 = 13565952 -- Declared in Windows as WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW -- Was declared in {WEL_WS_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `ws_tiledwindow`. -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_popupwindow: INTEGER_32 = -2138570752 -- Declared in Windows as WS_POPUPWINDOW -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_tiledwindow: INTEGER_32 = 13565952 -- Declared in Windows as WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW -- Was declared in {WEL_WS_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `ws_overlappedwindow`. -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- Constants Esb_disable_both: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Disables both arrows on a scroll bar. -- (from WEL_ESB_CONSTANTS) Esb_disable_down: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Disables the down arrow on a vertical scroll bar. -- (from WEL_ESB_CONSTANTS) Esb_disable_left: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Disables the left arrow on a horizontal scroll bar. -- (from WEL_ESB_CONSTANTS) Esb_disable_ltup: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Disables the left arrow on a horizontal scroll bar -- or the up arrow on a vertical scroll bar. -- (from WEL_ESB_CONSTANTS) Esb_disable_rtdn: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Disables the right arrow on a horizontal scroll bar -- or the down arrow on a vertical scroll bar. -- (from WEL_ESB_CONSTANTS) Esb_disable_up: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Disables the up arrow on a vertical scroll bar. -- (from WEL_ESB_CONSTANTS) Esb_enable_both: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Enables both arrows on a scroll bar. -- (from WEL_ESB_CONSTANTS) feature -- Control window styles Ws_group: INTEGER_32 = 131072 -- Declared in Windows as WS_GROUP -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_tabstop: INTEGER_32 = 65536 -- Declared in Windows as WS_TABSTOP -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- Conversion from Eiffel to Windows frozen to_lparam (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- Convert integer value i in a valid LPARAM value. -- (from WEL_DATA_TYPE) ensure -- from WEL_DATA_TYPE is_class: class frozen to_lresult (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- Convert integer value i in a valid LRESULT value. -- (from WEL_DATA_TYPE) ensure -- from WEL_DATA_TYPE is_class: class frozen to_wparam (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- Convert integer value i in a valid WPARAM value. -- (from WEL_DATA_TYPE) ensure -- from WEL_DATA_TYPE is_class: class feature -- Default creation values Default_height: INTEGER_32 -- Default position and dimension when the window is -- created. -- Was declared in {WEL_FRAME_WINDOW} as synonym of `default_x`, `default_y` and `default_width`. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) Default_id: INTEGER_32 -- Default window id. -- (Zero by default). -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) default_style: INTEGER_32 -- Default style. Default_width: INTEGER_32 -- Default position and dimension when the window is -- created. -- Was declared in {WEL_FRAME_WINDOW} as synonym of `default_x`, `default_y` and `default_height`. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) Default_x: INTEGER_32 -- Default position and dimension when the window is -- created. -- Was declared in {WEL_FRAME_WINDOW} as synonym of `default_y`, `default_width` and `default_height`. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) Default_y: INTEGER_32 -- Default position and dimension when the window is -- created. -- Was declared in {WEL_FRAME_WINDOW} as synonym of `default_x`, `default_width` and `default_height`. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) feature -- Element Change set_default_processing (value: BOOLEAN) -- Enable or disable default processing of window messages. -- (from WEL_RETURN_VALUE) ensure -- from WEL_RETURN_VALUE value_set: default_processing = value set_message_return_value (value: POINTER) -- Set the window-procedure-return-value. -- (from WEL_RETURN_VALUE) ensure -- from WEL_RETURN_VALUE has_return_value: has_return_value value_set: message_return_value = value feature -- Extended window styles Ws_ex_acceptfiles: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_appwindow: INTEGER_32 = 262144 -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_clientedge: INTEGER_32 = 512 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_composited: INTEGER_32 = 33554432 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_COMPOSITED -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_contexthelp: INTEGER_32 = 1024 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_controlparent: INTEGER_32 = 65536 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_dlgmodalframe: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_layered: INTEGER_32 = 524288 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_LAYERED -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_left: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_LEFT -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_leftscrollbar: INTEGER_32 = 16384 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_ltrreading: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_LTRREADING -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_mdichild: INTEGER_32 = 64 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_MDICHILD -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_noactivate: INTEGER_32 = 134217728 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_NOACTIVATE -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_noparentnotify: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_overlappedwindow: INTEGER_32 = 768 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_palettewindow: INTEGER_32 = 392 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_right: INTEGER_32 = 4096 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_RIGHT -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_rightscrollbar: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_rtlreading: INTEGER_32 = 8192 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_RTLREADING -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_staticedge: INTEGER_32 = 131072 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_STATICEDGE -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_toolwindow: INTEGER_32 = 128 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_topmost: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_TOPMOST -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_transparent: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_TRANSPARENT -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_ex_windowedge: INTEGER_32 = 256 -- Declared in Windows as WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- For dialogs frozen dwlp_dlgproc: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) frozen dwlp_msgresult: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) frozen dwlp_user: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) feature -- For windows Gwl_hinstance: INTEGER_32 = -6 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_hinstance`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_hwndparent: INTEGER_32 = -8 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_hwndparent`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_id: INTEGER_32 = -12 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_id`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_userdata: INTEGER_32 = -21 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_userdata`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_wndproc: INTEGER_32 = -4 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_wndproc`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_hinstance: INTEGER_32 = -6 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_hinstance`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_hwndparent: INTEGER_32 = -8 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_hwndparent`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_id: INTEGER_32 = -12 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_id`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_userdata: INTEGER_32 = -21 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_userdata`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_wndproc: INTEGER_32 = -4 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_wndproc`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) feature -- Generic window states Ws_disabled: INTEGER_32 = 134217728 -- Declared in Windows as WS_DISABLED -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_visible: INTEGER_32 = 268435456 -- Declared in Windows as WS_VISIBLE -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- Main window states Ws_iconic: INTEGER_32 = 536870912 -- Declared in Windows as WS_MINIMIZE -- Was declared in {WEL_WS_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `ws_minimize`. -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_maximize: INTEGER_32 = 16777216 -- Declared in Windows as WS_MAXIMIZE -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_minimize: INTEGER_32 = 536870912 -- Declared in Windows as WS_MINIMIZE -- Was declared in {WEL_WS_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `ws_iconic`. -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- Main window styles Ws_border: INTEGER_32 = 8388608 -- Declared in Windows as WS_BORDER -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_caption: INTEGER_32 = 12582912 -- Declared in Windows as WS_CAPTION -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_dlgframe: INTEGER_32 = 4194304 -- Declared in Windows as WS_DLGFRAME -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_hscroll: INTEGER_32 = 1048576 -- Declared in Windows as WS_HSCROLL -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_maximizebox: INTEGER_32 = 65536 -- Declared in Windows as WS_MAXIMIZEBOX -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_minimizebox: INTEGER_32 = 131072 -- Declared in Windows as WS_MINIMIZEBOX -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_sizebox: INTEGER_32 = 262144 -- Declared in Windows as WS_THICKFRAME -- Was declared in {WEL_WS_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `ws_thickframe`. -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_sysmenu: INTEGER_32 = 524288 -- Declared in Windows as WS_SYSMENU -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_thickframe: INTEGER_32 = 262144 -- Declared in Windows as WS_THICKFRAME -- Was declared in {WEL_WS_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `ws_sizebox`. -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) Ws_vscroll: INTEGER_32 = 2097152 -- Declared in Windows as WS_VSCROLL -- (from WEL_WS_CONSTANTS) feature -- Markers fixme (comment: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Mark code that has to be "fixed" with comment. -- (from REFACTORING_HELPER) require -- from REFACTORING_HELPER comment_not_void: comment /= Void ensure -- from REFACTORING_HELPER instance_free: class to_implement (comment: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Mark code that has to be "implemented" with comment. -- (from REFACTORING_HELPER) require -- from REFACTORING_HELPER comment_not_void: comment /= Void ensure -- from REFACTORING_HELPER instance_free: class to_implement_assertion (comment: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Mark assertion that has to be "implemented" with comment. -- (from REFACTORING_HELPER) require -- from REFACTORING_HELPER comment_not_void: comment /= Void ensure -- from REFACTORING_HELPER instance_free: class feature -- Output Io: STD_FILES -- Handle to standard file setup -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class io_not_void: Result /= Void out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY out_not_void: Result /= Void print (o: detachable ANY) -- Write terse external representation of o -- on standard output. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class frozen tagged_out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY tagged_out_not_void: Result /= Void feature -- Platform Operating_environment: OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT -- Objects available from the operating system -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class operating_environment_not_void: Result /= Void feature -- Registration is_registered: BOOLEAN -- Is window registered? -- (from WEL_WINDOW) frozen register_current_window -- Register Current in window manager. -- (from WEL_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW registered: is_registered feature -- Standard window class values Class_background: WEL_BRUSH -- Standard window background color used to create the -- window class. -- Can be redefined to return a user-defined brush. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) require -- from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW background_brush_not_set: background_brush = Void ensure -- from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void Class_cursor: WEL_CURSOR -- Standard arrow cursor used to create the window -- class. -- Can be redefined to return a user-defined cursor. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void result_exists: Result.exists Class_icon: WEL_ICON -- Standard application icon used to create the -- window class. -- Can be redefined to return a user-defined icon. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void result_exists: Result.exists Class_menu_name: STRING_32 -- Window's menu used to create the window class. -- Can be redefined to return a user-defined menu. -- (None by default). -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void class_name: STRING_32 -- Window class name used to create the window class. -- Can be redefined to return a user-defined class name. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOW result_not_void: Result /= Void Class_style: INTEGER_32 -- Standard style used to create the window class. -- Can be redefined to return a user-defined style. -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) Class_window_procedure: POINTER -- Standard window procedure -- (from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW) ensure -- from WEL_FRAME_WINDOW result_not_null: Result /= default_pointer feature -- WEL Implementation class_requires_icon: BOOLEAN -- Does Current require an icon to be registered? -- If True `register_class` assigns a class icon, otherwise -- no icon is assigned. invariant -- from ANY reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current) reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current) note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_POPUP_MENU_HANDLER -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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