Good Vision(s) are priceless
Last week visited two of my students who are doing an internship in the Bay Area. On the way up I had a car accident - a tiny stone fell from the side of the road and shattered my car's window to thousands of little splinters. I was driving alone and nothing happened to me besides the shock. Luckily I could exchange the car soon after that - check out the picture below:

Good vision is paramount, not only when driving and this brings me to this weeks blog topic. I am very happy to show how the Vision4Mac project is progressing. I am working with four students that are working on implementing the widgets of Vision2 natively on Mac OS X. It simply looks better than the GTK widgets we have at the moment.

Of course this is work in progress and we are far from finished, but the sample application is impressive and we are determined to continue this to eventually have full fledged native support for the widget toolkit on the mac...
more of this to appear in this room...
ah yeah here the sample application (you'll need a mac to run it)