Eiffel Studio 5.7 layout files

by Larry Liu (modified: 2007 Dec 14)

For Eiffel Studio revision#71223 - revision#71482, replace layout.wb' and debug_layout.wb' in your Windows application data folder with attached two files (first unzip attached file), we will get Eiffel Studio 5.7 looking style widget layouts.

For me, the application data folder address for two files is:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\EiffelSoftware\docking_61\

Normally you only need to replace `Administrator' with your Windows account name.

I'm not sure if these two files work for other versions of Eiffel Studio now.

  • Larry Liu (16 years ago 15/12/2007)

    The two files work on both Eiffel Studio 32bit and 64bits.