Evaluation tool or Watch tool
The Evaluation (or Watch) tool displays a list of expressions and their values (provided that those values can be obtained).
In the display, the Expression column gives the expression's text. The Context column gives the context in which the expression is evaluated. The Value column gives the result of the expression, and the Type column the type of the expression's value.
In the image above, you can see various expressions. Look at the one on the fourth line. This is an object that has been dropped on to the Evaluation tool, and the tool displayed it as itself, as shown by "As object" in the Context column, and by the italic style. The user can name the dropped object by editing the value in the Expression column for the expression. This can be useful to help you remember the origin of the value.
The expression in the fifth row has an error, the icon is different, and the Value shows there is an error, double click on it for more details.
On top of the list, four buttons can be found.
- the button
is used to create/close watch tools via a menu popup
Enable or disable auto expressions.
pops up the expression definition dialog, and can be used to define new expressions. If you have selected text in the editor, this text will be used to create the expression.
edits a currently selected expression (it is not possible to change the context of an expression, only the expression itself). The associated key shortcut is F2.
disable/enable the evaluation of the selected expressions from the list.
This command can give an expanded display of the string relative to an object, by dropping the object onto the button (or pressing
on the selected value). Use it if an object has a very long string representation or a string representation that contains carriage returns, for example.
This button is used to remotely store or load a "stored" object (check remote object storage).
removes the selected expressions from the list. The associated key shortcut is Del.
- And the last two buttons are used to move up and down the expressions. You can also move the expressions up and down using
respectively (that is, the Control key with the minus key or the Control key with the plus key).