A colored year on the web for Eiffel

by Victorien Elvinger (modified: 2015 Nov 07)

Happy new year!

ACE, Prism, and Rouge now support the syntax highlighting of the Eiffel language.


Prism is by-design a lightweight syntax highlighter for the web. It is very simple to use, and the download page enables to get only what you need. It proposes interesting add-ons (Line numbers, File Highlight, ...).

The library is usable with a bench of tools, including Wordpress and Jekyll.

You can test the highlighting here. The Eiffel support should be full, including the verbatim options.

If you note any issues, you can report it on my github fork.

I have commited a Pull Request to enable class name highlighting. Please feel free to express your support in the discussion thread of the Pull Request. The PR is waiitng for author agreement since January...

ACE editor

ACE Editor is certainly the most use web-based code editor. A bench of web applications use ACE including:

The support of Eiffel is not full. In particular, the verbatim options and multiple-line strings are not supported.

If you note any issues, you can report it on my github fork.


Rouge is a recent syntax highlighter increasing in popularity.It is compatible with the stylesheets of Pygments.

It is used by:

The support of Eiffel is not full. In particular, the verbatim options are not supported.

If you note any issues, you can report it on my github fork.

Other syntax highlighters

Some tools need updates in order to fully support the highlighting of Eiffel.For instance:

Enjoy ;)

  • Bernd Schoeller (9 years ago 11/1/2015)

    Thanks ...

    ... this is very useful.

  • Manu (9 years ago 12/1/2015)

    Great contribution. I was

    Great contribution.

    I was trying to put some suggestions on the git page but it doesn't seem possible.

    • Victorien Elvinger (9 years ago 13/1/2015)

      Issue tracker

      Oops! I forgot to enable it. It is now fixed ;)

  • Jocelyn-Fiat (9 years ago 12/1/2015)

    Nice contribution

    This is very welcome. Side not, the issue tracker is not activated on your github project (https://github.com/Conaclos/prism), so no way to report issue or other ;)

    Otherwise, soon I will try to list all Eiffel syntax related resource that exists, that need update or need to be done. This would include syntax highlighting, and also editor support.

    And I will try to fill the gap, and coordinate any effort from the community to provide support for Eiffel in the most popular tools. I hope then for any future tool, people will copy/migrate existing syntax/config file for Eiffel.

    • Victorien Elvinger (9 years ago 13/1/2015)


      Good idea!

      The main goal of these contributions is to simplify the sharing of Eiffel codes. Support for Eiffel in the most popular tools is welcomed.

  • Olivier Ligot (9 years ago 13/1/2015)


    google-code-prettify is also supported thanks to Paul Crismer contribution.

  • Finnian Reilly (9 years ago 14/1/2015)

    Class names

    I was hoping Prism might do a better job than github by highlighting class names like in EiffelStudio. If it could highlight class names I would definitely like to use it for a project I have in mind. But good work all the same.

    • Victorien Elvinger (9 years ago 14/1/2015)

      Relevant note

      Manu proposed me to create an "eiffelstudio theme" for Prism. see the issue tracker.

      For reaching this goal, the highlighting of the class-names is needed. The addition is planned ;)