Moving to a readable/writable model

by David Le Bansais (modified: 2010 Jun 03)


Work a long time on your code, and you will have countless opportunities to experiment with software design. Today, I'd like to describe how I moved some classes to a new model for separating queries and commands.

The need for this came to me because of complex assertions. It turns out that if the code called during assertions evaluation involves a large number of classes and features, it becomes difficult to ensure that it doesn't have side effects. My first approach was to verify the state of my objects dynamically and ensure it wasn't modified. Lately, I moved to a more static approach whereby classes involved during assertions evaluation only contain queries. It is this work I present here. The tradeoffs are mentioned in the conclusion section.

Starting with an example

I will begin with a SAMPLE class, containing some queries and commands.

class SAMPLE create make feature -- Initialization make do expanded_attribute := 0 create reference_attribute.make_empty end feature -- Queries expanded_value: INTEGER do result := expanded_attribute end reference_value: STRING do result := reference_attribute end feature -- Commands change_expanded (new_value: INTEGER) do expanded_attribute := new_value end change_reference (new_value: STRING) do reference_attribute := new_value end feature {NONE} -- Implementation expanded_attribute: INTEGER reference_attribute: STRING end

This is close to the most basic example of a class with queries and commands. I separated expanded and reference types to demonstrate how a query can indirectly allow side effects to happen during execution. Here, a client class can call the reference_value feature to obtain access to reference_attribute and modify it. In the case of the expanded_value feature, the object is copied and can't produce side-effects.

The new model consists of splitting SAMPLE in two classes, SAMPLE and READABLE_SAMPLE.

Splitting the class

Let's see how we can do it on the sample code. All queries that can't produce side effects are moved to READABLE_SAMPLE, remaining features stay in SAMPLE. Finally SAMPLE inherits from READABLE_SAMPLE to produce a class that behaves identically to the old version. Creation functions can't be considered as producing side affects, but they can be called by clients if their export status is not {NONE}, and in that case are commands. This problem is easily fixed by setting the export status to {NONE} in READABLE_SAMPLE, and to the value it should have in the SAMPLE class.

Here is a first draft of the new code.

class READABLE_SAMPLE create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do expanded_attribute := 0 create reference_attribute.make_empty end feature -- Queries expanded_value: INTEGER do result := expanded_attribute end reference_value: STRING do result := reference_attribute end feature {NONE} -- Implementation expanded_attribute: INTEGER reference_attribute: STRING end class SAMPLE inherit READABLE_SAMPLE export {ANY} make end create make feature -- Commands change_expanded (new_value: INTEGER) do expanded_attribute := new_value end change_reference (new_value: STRING) do reference_attribute := new_value end end

This first approach allows us to pass references to READABLE_SAMPLE objects when we don't want clients to be able to modify the object. It has some flaws, one of them already mentioned.

  1. It does nothing about commands inherited from ANY, most notably copy.
  2. The object can be modified if a client calls reference_value to get a reference to reference_attribute.

Before we refine the model, let's see an example of code that takes advantage of it.

class SOME_CLIENT feature create_new_sample: SAMPLE do create result.make -- Do some stuff with the new object... ensure is_valid(result) end is_valid (a_sample: READABLE_SAMPLE): BOOLEAN do -- Perform queries on 'a_sample' -- Commands are statically rejected here end

In is_valid only queries can be called, and if a_sample is passed to other routines, they will also be unable to call commands. Actually, this is not entirely true. Since the object is in fact a SAMPLE object, a client routine could obtain a reference to the object as SAMPLE from the reference to READABLE_SAMPLE with a Certified Attachment Pattern (CAP). Consider the code below:

is_valid (a_sample: READABLE_SAMPLE): BOOLEAN do if attached {SAMPLE} a_sample as a_writable_sample then -- Call commands on a_writable_sample here, and therefore modify the state of the object. end end

There is nothing we can do about this other than performing a copy of the object into a new READABLE_SAMPLE object. But this hurts performance, and the new model becomes useless since we could have kept the SAMPLE class as is, with all side-effects happening in the copy. We will assume that the writer of the code respects the intent of the new model and doesn't do such an horrible thing!

Refining the model

The case of the copy feature is typical and we will meet it again when we consider descendants of SAMPLE. Here is a feature that should not be in READABLE_SAMPLE and yet must be in SAMPLE. The solution to this problem is two-fold:

  • We change the export status of copy so that clients cannot call it. The export status to {ANY} will be reinstated in SAMPLE.
  • As an additional precaution, we rename copy into a new name intended to discourage descendants of READABLE_SAMPLE from using it.

Indeed, any class inheriting from READABLE_SAMPLE could call copy. By changing its name, we make sure that descendant classes know what they doing. The correct name can be reused in SAMPLE the same way it is exported.

class READABLE_SAMPLE rename copy as forbidden_copy export {NONE} forbidden_copy end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do expanded_attribute := 0 create reference_attribute.make_empty end feature -- Queries expanded_value: INTEGER do result := expanded_attribute end reference_value: STRING do result := reference_attribute end feature {NONE} -- Implementation expanded_attribute: INTEGER reference_attribute: STRING endclass SAMPLE inherit READABLE_SAMPLE rename forbidden_copy as copy export {ANY} make, copy end create make feature -- Commands change_expanded (new_value: INTEGER) do expanded_attribute := new_value end change_reference (new_value: STRING) do reference_attribute := new_value end end

This is how we handle the first problem. But what about the second? We have two options:

  • Return a copy of reference_attribute instead of a direct reference to it. This is at the cost of performance and should be avoided when possible.
  • If reference_attribute is of a type that has a corresponding READABLE_ counterpart, return the read-only type in READABLE_SAMPLE, and the full type in a redefined version of the query in SAMPLE.

Fortunately for us, STRING is already implemented like that since it inherits (in its latest incarnation) from READABLE_STRING, or more accurately from the corresponding sized variant.The solution is therefore to have 2 versions of reference_value with different return type. We can take advantage of it to make both versions available in SAMPLE, since returning a read-only version makes sense even for the modifiable class. But in this case they must have different names. This is easily obtained with renaming, as the reader can see below:

class READABLE_SAMPLE inherit ANY rename copy as forbidden_copy export {NONE} forbidden_copy end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do expanded_attribute := 0 create reference_attribute.make_empty end feature -- Queries expanded_value: INTEGER do result := expanded_attribute end reference_value: READABLE_STRING do result := reference_attribute end feature {NONE} -- Implementation expanded_attribute: INTEGER reference_attribute: STRING endclass SAMPLE inherit READABLE_SAMPLE rename forbidden_copy as copy, reference_value as readable_reference_value export {ANY} make, copy end create make feature -- Queries reference_value: STRING do result := reference_attribute end feature -- Commands change_expanded (new_value: INTEGER) do expanded_attribute := new_value end change_reference (new_value: STRING) do reference_attribute := new_value end end

Here, a client of SAMPLE can obtain either full access to reference_attribute by calling reference_value, or read-only access by calling readable_reference_value. A client of READABLE_SAMPLE could only get the read-only reference with a call to reference_value. Hence the semantic of this feature is preserved.

The sample class doesn't have an invariant, because they didn't create any problem for me. I just moved all invariants to the readable version of the splitted classes.


Single inheritance

Things can be formalized when a descendant inherits from a parent and both can be splitted. Let's call PARENT and READABLE_PARENT the classes to inherit from, CHILD and READABLE_CHILD the descendants.The inheritance scheme is CHILD -> READABLE_CHILD -> PARENT -> READABLE_PARENT. What we need is to make commands and queries that can lead to side-effects coming from PARENT unavailable to clients of READABLE_CHILD.

    • Commands are renamed as forbidden_<command name> and their export status changed to {NONE}.
    • Queries allowing side effects have a readable_<query name> version. We rename <query name> to forbidden_<query name> and readable_<query name> to <query name>. Similarly to commands, we also change their export status.
  • In CHILD
    • We reinstate commands with their original name and export status.
    • We rename queries again (and change export) to the readable_<query name> and <query name> versions.

The resulting code, quite complicated, is listed below. SAMPLE and READABLE_SAMPLE are used to demonstrate queries that return a read-only version of an object to avoid side-effects.

class READABLE_PARENT inherit ANY rename copy as forbidden_copy export {NONE} forbidden_copy end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do -- Create the object end feature query1: READABLE_SAMPLE do -- Create a read-only version of a SAMPLE object end query2: INTEGER do -- Return an expanded object. This query won't need any redefinition. end endclass PARENT inherit READABLE_PARENT rename forbidden_copy as copy, query1 as readable_query1 export {ANY} copy end create make feature command do -- Perfoms some command end feature query1: SAMPLE do -- Return a writable version of the sample object. end endclass READABLE_CHILD inherit PARENT rename copy as forbidden_copy, command as forbidden_command, query1 as forbidden_query1, readable_query1 as query1 export {NONE} forbidden_copy, forbidden_command, forbidden_query1 end create make endclass CHILD inherit READABLE_CHILD rename forbidden_copy as copy, forbidden_command as command, query1 as readable_query1, forbidden_query1 as query1 export{ANY} copy, command, query1 end create make end

As long as all classes follow this model, assertions can be coded using only the READABLE_xxx version of classes as parameters.

In one occasion, almost the entire code of a class was dedicated to creating the object. This forced me to put all code in the readable version of the class. If no other class than SAMPLE inherits from READABLE_SAMPLE, then it's not much of a problem. Otherwise, the solution consists of implementing these features directly with the forbidden_ prefix and export to {NONE}.

Multiple inheritance

The case of multiple inheritance is slightly more complicated, but the rules are identical. In one case I had to merge different versions of copy. Taking the example of the PARENT and CHILD classes again, here is the corresponding code.

class READABLE_CHILD inherit FIRST_PARENT rename copy as forbidden_copy export {NONE} forbidden_copy redefine forbidden_copy end SECOND_PARENT rename copy as forbidden_copy export {NONE} forbidden_copy redefine forbidden_copy end feature {NONE} forbidden_copy (other: like current) do precursor{FIRST_PARENT}(other) precursor{SECOND_PARENT}(other) end endclass CHILD inherit READABLE_CHILD rename forbidden_copy as copy export{ANY} copy end create make end

Creation of readable objects

In my sample code, READABLE_SAMPLE is a class with a create clause. That is, READABLE_SAMPLE objects can be created, and for them no command can be called ever. They represent constant objects with a state fixed at creation.It turned out to be a problem in my code, because of anchor types and result types that are sometimes tied to the readable version of SAMPLE. For instance, if a query returns a READABLE_SAMPLE object destined to be stored and modified later, there will be no actually modification possible if the object was created with a code like create Result.make.To solve this issue, and make sure that all non-constant objects are properly created, I proceeded in three steps:

  • I made all readable versions of classes deferred and removed their create clause.
  • I recompiled and fixed all errors by changing code like create Result.make to result := create {SAMPLE}.make
  • I made all readable versions normal classes again (i.e. not deferred anymore) and reinstated the create clauses.

Deferred and once routines

Deferred routines can be a problem if they are commands. This is because they should be implemented in the writable version of the class, which means the readable version must be declared as deferred and therefore cannot have creation procedures.The solution I found was to declare the deferred command in the readable version of the class, but with an empty body and with export {NONE}. Then I redefine it with the appropriate implementation in the writable version.

Once routines are easier to manage. They create a problem because there must not be two versions of the once routine. For instance, if once_fcn is the routine name, we must not end up with readable_once_fcn too, otherwise it could be executed twice. This case happens only if the once routine is a function returning a reference to a writable object, and to a read-only object for the readable_once_fcn case. The solution consists of moving the code to a third implementation_once_fcn once function, belonging to the readable version of the class of course. once_fcn and readable_once_fcn can then be separate routines returning the appropriate object type, since they call a once function themselves.

Here is a more comprehensive example:

class READABLE_SAMPLE rename copy as forbidden_copy export {NONE} forbidden_copy end create make feature -- Initialization make do -- Some init end feature -- Queries once_fcn: READABLE_CHILD once result := implementation_once_fcn end feature {NONE} -- Implementation implementation_once_fcn: CHILD once create result.make -- Do stuff here end endclass SAMPLE inherit READABLE_SAMPLE rename forbidden_copy as copy, once_fcn as readable_once_fcn export {ANY} make, copy end create make feature -- Queries once_fcn: CHILD once result := implementation_once_fcn end end

The idea of moving the code to a third function makes sense for all functions, and not only if they are "once", for the purpose of avoiding code replication. However, most of the time I didn't do it because the resulting code was more complicated and harder to understand.


When the sample class is parameterized with generic classes like in SAMPLE[G], I needed to access the readable version of G. There is unfortunaly no easy way to do that, so eventually I resorted to recode SAMPLE[G] as SAMPLE[READABLE_G, G->READABLE_G]. Here, the intended purpose is to have G being a direct descendant of READABLE_G but this is not something that can be enforced.For generic parameters that are not splitted, I could use the class twice like in SAMPLE[INTEGER, INTEGER], since a class always conforms to itself. This works with expanded classes, or classes that only have queries, but not with most classes coming from libraries.

Unfortunately, EiffelStudio doesn't fully implement the SAMPLE[READABLE_G, G->READABLE_G] syntax. G isn't considered conforming to READABLE_G when checking constraints. Let's make it more clear with an example:

class READABLE_SAMPLE[READABLE_G, G->READABLE_G] inherit ANY rename copy as forbidden_copy export {NONE} forbidden_copy end create make_from_other feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_from_other (other: READABLE_G) do other_ref := other end feature -- Queries object_ref: READABLE_G do Result := other_ref end feature {NONE} -- Implementation other_ref: READABLE_G endclass SAMPLE[READABLE_G, G->READABLE_G] inherit READABLE_SAMPLE[READABLE_G, G] rename forbidden_copy as copy export {ANY} make_from_other, copy redefine object_ref end create make_from_other feature -- Queries object_ref: G do Result := other_ref end feature -- Commands change_reference (new_value: G) do other_ref := new_value end end

Here G is not recognized as a descendant of READABLE_G and this code won't compile.

I worked around this issue with a hack in the compiler, until better support for this kind of constraint is added to the language.


I demonstrated how I changed my code to move to a read/write, read-only class model. The change was necessary to write complex code to be used during assertions evaluation. Another, easier way to obtain the same result is to execute the assertion code on a copy of the program state, since it guarantees (within some limits) that there will be no side-effects on the core of the program. The tradeoff is to exchange simpler code for poor performance.

  • The new model forced me to duplicate almost all classes.
  • All class headers can easily be cluttered with a lot of rename and export clauses.
  • Class names are longer, and if they use generics, a lot longer.
  • Renaming a feature forbidden_<feature name> is not a proper protection against using the feature
  • This doesn't work well with libraries. I ended up rewriting several of the basic structure classes.

On this subject, things can be automated since I've been following a small set of rules. If the language had support for this model, the code would look a lot more simpler.For instance, introducing a new keyword 'readable', here is what the compiler could do:

  • Split all classes in two, 'readable SAMPLE' being an alias to READABLE_SAMPLE.
  • Move all queries to the readable version of the class. To indicate which feature is a query, just put 'readable' in front of the feature name.
  • For duplicated queries (<feature name> and readable_<feature name>) make the readable version available with 'readable <feature name>
  • Hide commands instead of renaming them to forbidden_<command name>.
  • If G is a generic, Make 'readable G' an alias for READABLE_G and take SAMPLE[G] to mean SAMPLE[readable G, G->readable G].
  • Provide default yet unavailable versions of deferred features that are commands, so a readable class can be created. Code once functions to be called once even if they have two versions.

This would need to be better formalized of course. Perhaps I'll play with the compiler to try it one day. I'll live with the modified code for now.

  • Manu (14 years ago 4/6/2010)

    Just a few comments regarding the Eiffel ECMA specification of a few things mentioned here. ECMA is planning on removing the duplication/copy routines from ANY. The other thing is that ECMA is currently forbidding restriction of export which is not yet enforced in EiffelStudio for backward compatibility. These are things to keep in mind with what you are proposing.

    • David Le Bansais (14 years ago 5/6/2010)

      I can't comment about the removal of copy, I don't know what it will be replaced with.

      The export redefinitions I made are just a precaution, since features for wich export is restricted are also renamed. In the semi-serious proposal of my last section, they would actually be hidden. So I'm not really worried about a change in the way EiffelStudio handles restricted exports.

      However, perhaps you could add a -strict option to enforce ECMA rules? This would help people that want to stay ECMA compliant. But unless I'm mistaken, EiffelStudio is the main if not only compiler out there, so being ES compliant has higher priority obviously.

      (Edited for typo)