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  • eiffelstudio (59)
  • eiffel (53)
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  • beginner (28)
  • concurrency (27)
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  • scoop (25)
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  • announce (19)
  • Eiffel Studio (19)
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  • Class Reference (13)
  • Intermediate (13)
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  • editor (12)
  • debugger (12)
  • Gobo (11)
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  • class (10)
  • testing (10)
  • metric (10)
  • type safety (10)
  • Ecma (10)
  • language (9)
  • void-safety (9)
  • origo (9)
  • syntax (8)
  • view (8)
  • execution (8)
  • feature property (8)
  • Vision2 (8)
  • compilation (8)
  • EiffelCOM (8)
  • Agents (8)
  • Advanced (8)
  • Unicode (8)
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  • Mac (7)
  • catcall (7)
  • software (7)
  • eiffelroom (7)
  • tests (7)
  • eiffelvision (6)
  • search (6)
  • settings (6)
  • debug (6)
  • loop (6)
  • exception (6)
  • GUI (6)
  • implementation (6)
  • EiffelWeb (6)
  • set theory (6)
  • C (5)
  • external (5)
  • thread (5)
  • link (5)
  • wizard (5)
  • eiffelhub (5)
  • .NET (5)
  • tips (5)
  • algorithmic (5)
  • Graphs (5)
  • till (5)
  • Eiffel-Loop (5)
  • Twitter (5)
  • option (4)
  • Learn (4)
  • tools (4)
  • information (4)
  • attribute (4)
  • remove (4)
  • code (4)
  • control structure (4)
  • ecf (4)
  • string (4)
  • cecil (4)
  • toolbar (4)
  • documentation (4)
  • subversion (4)
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  • Exceptions (4)
  • goanna (4)
  • software engineering (4)
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  • cli (3)
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  • unneeded code (3)
  • expression (3)
  • style (3)
  • iteration (3)
  • system (3)
  • variable (3)
  • io (3)
  • EiffelVision 2 (3)
  • profile (3)
  • java (3)
  • database (3)
  • parser (3)
  • formatter (3)
  • EIS (3)
  • archive (3)
  • autocomplete (3)
  • physics (3)
  • Measure (3)
  • eiffelthread (3)
  • CQS (3)
  • random (3)
  • code quality (3)
  • OSX (3)
  • strings (3)
  • Cocoa (3)
  • Vision4Mac (3)
  • Inline agents (3)
  • HowTo (3)
  • XML (3)
  • drupal (3)
  • Software correctness (3)
  • type system (3)
  • parsing (3)
  • process (3)
  • linux (3)
  • performance (3)
  • generic (3)
  • eposix (3)
  • Exception handling (3)
  • iPhone (3)
  • iPod Touch (3)
  • memory (3)
  • math (3)
  • Oauth (3)
  • netcore (3)
  • vision (2)
  • procedure (2)
  • function (2)
  • parameter (2)
  • generation (2)
  • assertion (2)
  • check (2)
  • profiler (2)
  • run (2)
  • command-line (2)
  • argument (2)
  • history (2)
  • client (2)
  • hide (2)
  • context (2)
  • ide (2)
  • pick (2)
  • drag (2)
  • drop (2)
  • class properties (2)
  • if (2)
  • agent (2)
  • once (2)
  • multi-branch (2)
  • method (2)
  • reference (2)
  • type inference (2)
  • environment (2)
  • technology (2)
  • graphical (2)
  • time (2)
  • multithreaded (2)
  • token (2)
  • event (2)
  • interop (2)
  • Ribbon (2)
  • external command (2)
  • script (2)
  • error (2)
  • selection (2)
  • menu (2)
  • C compiler (2)
  • support (2)
  • batch (2)
  • quality (2)
  • color (2)
  • define (2)
  • create (2)
  • font (2)
  • DLL (2)
  • dotnet (2)
  • gc (2)
  • CDD (2)
  • versions (2)
  • MinGW (2)
  • String class (2)
  • STRING_32 (2)
  • Unicode strings (2)
  • Mono (2)
  • I18n (2)
  • conversion (2)
  • Mac OS (2)
  • ubuntu (2)
  • arrayed_list (2)
  • fun (2)
  • readable (2)
  • ACM (2)
  • Bertrand Meyer (2)
  • SCRUM (2)
  • Eiffel configuration files (2)
  • pyxis (2)
  • static verification (2)
  • migration (2)
  • serialization (2)
  • FoxPro (2)
  • Visual (2)
  • tag (2)
  • code generation (2)
  • development (2)
  • optimization (2)
  • news (2)
  • runtime (2)
  • ELKS (2)
  • read (2)
  • GTK (2)
  • UTF-8 (2)
  • adding platform support (2)
  • syntax highlighting (2)
  • yosemite (2)
  • Video (2)
  • comment (2)
  • types (2)
  • EWF (2)
  • framework (2)
  • eiffelstore (2)
  • Eiffel website (2)
  • repository (2)
  • repository publishing tool (2)
  • source code browser (2)
  • daemon (2)
  • macosx (2)
  • storable (2)
  • try (2)
  • Installation (2)
  • object factory (2)
  • Learning (2)
  • gpl (2)
  • smartphone (2)
  • Creation Procedure (2)
  • Authentication (2)
  • license (2)
  • manifest array (2)
  • setup (2)
  • warning (2)
  • graphics (1)
  • overview (1)
  • word (1)
  • class licensing (1)
  • move (1)
  • change (1)
  • compile (1)
  • invariant (1)
  • multithread (1)
  • interrupt (1)
  • pause (1)
  • clause (1)
  • trace (1)
  • undo (1)
  • redo (1)
  • delete (1)
  • client-supplier (1)
  • supplier (1)
  • aggregate (1)
  • show (1)
  • stone (1)
  • PnD (1)
  • shortcut (1)
  • redundant code (1)
  • unused code (1)
  • control flow graph (1)
  • comparison (1)
  • ETL (1)
  • standard (1)
  • conditional (1)
  • invitation (1)
  • book (1)
  • Quick reference (1)
  • document (1)
  • paper (1)
  • functional programming (1)
  • crash (1)
  • null pointer (1)
  • null reference (1)
  • void call (1)
  • void pointer dereferencing (1)
  • Polymorphism (1)
  • solution (1)
  • base (1)
  • kernel (1)
  • basic type (1)
  • structure (1)
  • widget (1)
  • Bug Fixes (1)
  • Revisions (1)
  • object (1)
  • record (1)
  • replay (1)
  • call stack (1)
  • stop point (1)
  • breakpoint (1)
  • date (1)
  • run-time (1)
  • eif_bit_function (1)
  • eif_boolean_function (1)
  • eif_character_function (1)
  • eif_double_function (1)
  • eif_integer_function (1)
  • eif_pointer_function (1)
  • eif_real_function (1)
  • eif_reference_function (1)
  • wrapper (1)
  • separate (1)
  • processor (1)
  • region (1)
  • asynchronous (1)
  • network (1)
  • socket (1)
  • communication (1)
  • cgi (1)
  • dbms (1)
  • rdbms (1)
  • persistency (1)
  • lexical (1)
  • preference (1)
  • iron (1)
  • package (1)
  • win32 (1)
  • component (1)
  • basic (1)
  • message (1)
  • modification (1)
  • manual (1)
  • automatic (1)
  • criterion (1)
  • evaluation (1)
  • watch (1)
  • key shortcut (1)
  • address (1)
  • tree (1)
  • group (1)
  • favorite (1)
  • command (1)
  • melt (1)
  • freeze (1)
  • finalize (1)
  • usage (1)
  • interactive mode (1)
  • terminal (1)
  • dynamic library (1)
  • builder (1)
  • compatibility (1)
  • display (1)
  • restore (1)
  • zoom (1)
  • out (1)
  • BON (1)
  • UML (1)
  • anchor (1)
  • legend (1)
  • export (1)
  • PNG (1)
  • calculate (1)
  • evaluate (1)
  • save (1)
  • detail (1)
  • ratio metric (1)
  • compare (1)
  • behavior (1)
  • isolation (1)
  • ignore (1)
  • external editor (1)
  • scm (1)
  • traffic (1)
  • keyword (1)
  • dynamic library (1)
  • external code (1)
  • shared library (1)
  • external code (1)
  • lex (1)
  • information system (1)
  • template (1)
  • completion (1)
  • code completion (1)
  • snippets (1)
  • code snippets (1)
  • last_string (1)
  • read_word (1)
  • Windows 7 (1)
  • across (1)
  • bad (1)
  • entropy (1)
  • mistaken (1)
  • theory (1)
  • universe (1)
  • wrong (1)
  • garbage collection (1)
  • virtual memory (1)
  • vm (1)
  • redirection (1)
  • global alignment (1)
  • kashyap (1)
  • local alignment (1)
  • needleman (1)
  • oommen (1)
  • sequence alignment (1)
  • sequence analysis (1)
  • smith (1)
  • waterman (1)
  • wunsch (1)
  • test case extraction (1)
  • number (1)
  • seed (1)
  • Inspector Eiffel (1)
  • git (1)
  • macbook pro (1)
  • svn (1)
  • cygwin (1)
  • MSYS (1)
  • poll (1)
  • ZSTRING (1)
  • Debugging (1)
  • Jokes (1)
  • 讀這 (1)
  • 5.7 (1)
  • docking (1)
  • layout (1)
  • correct (1)
  • elegant (1)
  • excellent (1)
  • citations (1)
  • Eifffel (1)
  • research (1)
  • OS X (1)
  • developers (1)
  • platforms (1)
  • users (1)
  • broadway (1)
  • browser (1)
  • gtk3 (1)
  • html5 (1)
  • client-server applications (1)
  • Eiffel Loop (1)
  • Eiffel Loop libraries (1)
  • EROS (1)
  • networked applications (1)
  • remote procedure call (1)
  • XML-RPC (1)
  • videos (1)
  • array (1)
  • array2 (1)
  • multidimensional (1)
  • closures (1)
  • iterators (1)
  • Ruby (1)
  • assertions (1)
  • compressing (1)
  • uncompressing (1)
  • zlib (1)
  • Award (1)
  • ace files (1)
  • data description language (1)
  • Eiffel project (1)
  • pyxis format (1)
  • Laser (1)
  • fire (1)
  • nature (1)
  • santa barbara (1)
  • wildfire (1)
  • zaca (1)
  • eth (1)
  • p2p (1)
  • Lazy evaluation (1)
  • web applications (1)
  • json (1)
  • ODIN (1)
  • AutoTest (1)
  • limit (1)
  • auto completion (1)
  • mysql (1)
  • query (1)
  • 饮料酒 (1)
  • BeOS (1)
  • Haiku (1)
  • global (1)
  • EiffelStudio C build MacPorts (1)
  • gcc (1)
  • 6.1 (1)
  • esf (1)
  • griffin (1)
  • Eiffel Visual FoxPro database (1)
  • main (1)
  • termination (1)
  • quiz (1)
  • registry access (1)
  • WEL (1)
  • Windows registry (1)
  • ISO (1)
  • W3C (1)
  • Feast (1)
  • bug (1)
  • recursion (1)
  • total correctness (1)
  • I/O (1)
  • Solaris (1)
  • Exports (1)
  • Porting (1)
  • smooth (1)
  • software development (1)
  • data structure (1)
  • list (1)
  • memory usage (1)
  • ace editor (1)
  • cloud9 (1)
  • prism (1)
  • syntax coloration (1)
  • correctness proofs (1)
  • loops (1)
  • .NET debugging (1)
  • cURL (1)
  • ems (1)
  • middleware (1)
  • mom (1)
  • networking (1)
  • Y2K38 (1)
  • laptop (1)
  • Eiffel byref output byval (1)
  • IEEE (1)
  • backpacking (1)
  • personal (1)
  • properties (1)
  • Visual FoxPro learn convert reinvent (1)
  • logging (1)
  • enumeration (1)
  • unique (1)
  • convert (1)
  • code style (1)
  • design by contract (1)
  • awards (1)
  • sourceforge (1)
  • covariance (1)
  • Eiffel Estimating SCRUM (1)
  • aspect programming (1)
  • questionnaire (1)
  • gdi+ (1)
  • image (1)
  • saving (1)
  • Machine (1)
  • State (1)
  • eiffel agent adapter eiffelstudio (1)
  • delegate (1)
  • callback (1)
  • espawn (1)
  • Smarty (1)
  • programming (1)
  • EiffelBuild (1)
  • embed icon (1)
  • encoding (1)
  • ethz (1)
  • JXTA (1)
  • vampeer (1)
  • xmlrpc (1)
  • jabber (1)
  • xmpp (1)
  • eiffel library masking (1)
  • Audio (1)
  • AUI (1)
  • private (1)
  • code browsing (1)
  • hardware (1)
  • hd44780 (1)
  • lcd (1)
  • vfd (1)
  • audio example (1)
  • audio programming (1)
  • DJ (1)
  • MP3 (1)
  • expanded classes (1)
  • expanded keyword (1)
  • installer (1)
  • precompilation (1)
  • db4o (1)
  • Eiffel for .NET (1)
  • object-oriented database (1)
  • OODBMS (1)
  • Principles (1)
  • Calculator (1)
  • co-processor (1)
  • backup (1)
  • Computer (1)
  • Mice (1)
  • Mouse (1)
  • class name clash (1)
  • namespace (1)
  • state machines (1)
  • UTF-8 Unicode .NET (1)
  • bash (1)
  • cruisecontrol (1)
  • log4e (1)
  • python (1)
  • thread_extension (1)
  • vampper (1)
  • CECIL C C++ callback external inline (1)
  • complaint (1)
  • GTK+ (1)
  • UI (1)
  • attached (1)
  • creation (1)
  • detachable (1)
  • languages (1)
  • theme (1)
  • gedit (1)
  • pecf (1)
  • CoClass (1)
  • COM (1)
  • Component Object Model (1)
  • IDispatch (1)
  • IUnknown (1)
  • linked_list (1)
  • terminology (1)
  • sed (1)
  • transient (1)
  • usability (1)
  • EiffelStudio source (1)
  • contract (1)
  • finalized (1)
  • frozen (1)
  • melted (1)
  • workbench (1)
  • UNIX (1)
  • native widgets (1)
  • XSLT (1)
  • i18n poedit (1)
  • catch (1)
  • finally (1)
  • rescue (1)
  • retry (1)
  • eweasel (1)
  • apt-get (1)
  • PPA (1)
  • bridge pattern (1)
  • cross-platform (1)
  • freetime (1)
  • google (1)
  • command query separation (1)
  • model-based (1)
  • batik-rasterizer (1)
  • Fixed sized graphics (1)
  • icons (1)
  • images (1)
  • librsvg (1)
  • SVG (1)
  • open source (1)
  • jenkins (1)
  • 饮料啤酒 (1)
  • tip (1)
  • EiffelEnvision (1)
  • context menu (1)
  • Documentation generator (1)
  • EDO (1)
  • html (1)
  • construct local variable. (1)
  • generics (1)
  • aliasing (1)
  • benchmark (1)
  • execution times (1)
  • errors (1)
  • future (1)
  • warnings (1)
  • characters sets (1)
  • internationalization (1)
  • ISO-8859 (1)
  • ISO-8859-1 (1)
  • ISO-8859-15 (1)
  • latin (1)
  • latin-1 (1)
  • Windows 1250 (1)
  • Eiffel Visual FoxPro presentation GUI grid (1)
  • EiffelMedia (1)
  • serialisation (1)
  • versioning (1)
  • enumerations (1)
  • ephemeral (1)
  • Expanded (1)
  • output parameters (1)
  • downloads (1)
  • x11 (1)
  • Objective-C (1)
  • cross-compiler (1)
  • embedded systems (1)
  • Void Safety (1)
  • holiday (1)
  • off topic (1)
  • multiconstraint (1)
  • security (1)
  • sql injections (1)
  • sql (1)
  • injection (1)
  • code analyzer (1)
  • static analisys (1)
  • bug hunting (1)
  • read timeline (1)
  • CI (1)
  • TravisCI (1)
  • container (1)
  • external process (1)
  • command line (1)
  • command line arguments (1)
  • attribute setting (1)
  • attribute getting (1)
  • DRY (1)
  • DRY principle (1)
  • don't repeat yourself (1)
  • importing text-data (1)
  • exporting data as text (1)
  • class reflection (1)
  • reflection (1)
  • object reflection (1)
  • serialize (1)
  • deserialize (1)
  • iteration type (1)
  • iteration benchmarks (1)
  • ways to iterate (1)
  • map-list (1)
  • lists (1)
  • containers (1)
  • appending to chains (1)
  • appending to lists (1)
  • invariants (1)
  • class invariants (1)
  • MongoDB (1)
  • Eiffel Driver (1)
  • NoSQL (1)
  • swagger (1)
  • rest api (1)
  • <script>alert(‘XSS’)</script> (1)
  • 0.30 (1)
  • 0.30.a (1)
  • refactoring (1)
  • faq (1)
  • capability (1)
  • 0.30.b (1)
  • projects (1)
  • code publishing (1)
  • web-site (1)
  • "string editing" (1)
  • 0.30.c (1)
  • 0.30.d (1)
  • play (1)
  • codeboard (1)
  • project setting (1)
  • announcement (1)
  • WrapC (1)
  • tensorflow (1)
  • c api (1)
  • machine-learning (1)
  • neural-network (1)
  • deep-learning (1)
  • deep-neural-networks (1)
  • symbolic loop (1)
  • alias (1)
  • notation (1)
  • operator (1)
  • concatenation (1)
  • manifest string (1)
  • once class (1)
  • once creation procedure (1)
  • inspect (1)
  • 22.05 (1)
  • memory conservation (1)
  • Eiffel objects (1)
  • RAM (1)
  • bit-arithmetic (1)
  • bit-twiddling (1)
  • compact numbers (1)
  • optimisation (1)
  • type checking (1)
  • runtime performance (1)
  • Eiffel Code Metrics (1)
  • dotnet framework (1)
  • limitation (1)
  • data-compression (1)
  • object-compression (1)
  • compacted-objects (1)
  • formatting (1)
  • formatting numbers (1)
  • UUID (1)
  • unique codes (1)
  • initializing attributes (1)
  • make routines (1)
  • initializing objects (1)
  • default attribute values (1)
  • SPOT (1)
  • composer (1)
  • training (1)