Command line interactive mode

If you need to use ec to execute a number of successive operations on a system, you do not need to restart the command each time; instead you may use the -loop option, which will interactively prompt you for successive operations. If you launch ec with this option, you will get the interactive version's Main Menu: ==== ISE EiffelStudio - Interactive Batch Version (v5.5.0926 Enterprise Edition) === (C) Class : class formats and information. (I) Compile : compile or run the system. (F) Feature : feature formats and information. (S) System : Config and cluster details. (T) Testing : manage and run tests. (P) Profile : information about a profiled run. (D) Documentation: create documents from the system. (H) Help : show list of commands. (Q) Quit : terminate session. (Y) Yank : yank (save) output of last command to a file. Command =>
The revision number in the first line may be different in your case to indicate that you have a more recent delivery. In this menu, and in all subsequent ones, the commands appear in two groups.

  • commands in the first group are specific to each menu
  • commands in the second group H (Help) to repeat the list of choices, Y (Yank) to save the output of the last command to a file that you will be prompted to name, and Q (Quit) to quit appear in all menus, and will be complemented in the Item Menus below by the M (Main) command which returns to the main menu.

By typing one of the letters shown in the Main Menu's first group, you can go to one of the Item Menus: Class, Compile, Feature, System, Profile, and Documentation. Compile enables you to compile a system and execute the result; the next three enable you to obtain information about your project. Profile will enable you to exploit profiling information. Finally, Documentation will enable you to generate HTML documentation about your project.

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