EiffelStudio: Key shortcuts

Many operations in EiffelStudio do not require the use of the mouse. The same effect can be achieved through the keyboard only.

This page gathers all the keyboard shortcuts available in the environment. They are sorted in several categories, depending on their domain of application.

Editor shortcuts

Clipboard shortcuts

Key shortcut Purpose
Ctrl+C Copy : Copy selected text into the clipboard.
Ctrl+Ins Equivalent to Ctrl+C.
Ctrl+X Cut: Copy selected text into the clipboard and remove it.
Shift+Del Equivalent to Ctrl+X.
Ctrl+V Paste: Insert clipboard content into the text.
Shift+Ins Equivalent to Ctrl+V.

Undo/redo shortcuts

Key shortcut Purpose
Ctrl+Z Undo last action.
Ctrl+Y Redo last undone action.

Search shortcuts

Key shortcut Purpose
Ctrl+F Display the quick search bar and give the focus to the "Search for..." text field.
This shortcut may be customized.
Ctrl+H Display the Search tool and give the focus to the "Replace with..." text field.
This shortcut may be customized.
F3 Search the next occurrence of the last searched expression.
This shortcut may be customized.
Shift+F3 Search the previous occurrence the last searched expression.
This shortcut may be customized.
Ctrl+F3 Search the next occurrence of the current selected expression.
This shortcut may be customized.
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Search the previous occurrence the current selected expression.
This shortcut may be customized.

Shortcuts to modify selected text

Key shortcut Purpose
Tab Indent selection (only if several lines are selected).
Shift+Tab Unindent the selected lines or the current line if there is no selection.
Ctrl+K Comment the selected lines or the current line if there is no selection.
Ctrl+Shift+K Uncomment the selected lines or the current line if there is no selection.
A line is uncommented only if '--' is at its beginning.
Ctrl+I Embed selection (or the current line if there is no selection)
in an "if...then...end" structure.
Ctrl+D Embed selection (or the current line if there is no selection)
in an "debug...end" structure.

Other shortcuts

Key shortcut Purpose
Ctrl+A Select the entire text.
Ctrl+Space Auto-complete current word.
This shortcut may be customized.

Note: These shortcuts are not available everywhere. All operations that do not imply changes in the text are available both in the editor and in the class and feature tabs of the context tool. Other operations are available only in the editor.


Key shortcut Purpose
F7 Melt the system. This is the standard way to compile a debuggable system.
Alt+F8 Look for externally added, unreferenced classes and recompile. This is normally not needed if classes are added in EiffelStudio or if they are referenced by another class that is in the system.
Shift+F8 Only check override clusters for changed classes and recompile.
Ctrl+F7 Freeze the system. This melts the system and recompile the generated C code.
Ctrl+Shift+F7 Finalize the system. This generates an optimized executable which is not debuggable.


Key shortcut Purpose
F5 Run. This is the standard way to run a system and debug it.
Ctrl+F5 Run without breakpoints. Same as run except that breakpoints are ignored.
Shift+F5 Kill the debugged application
Ctrl+Shift+F5 Pause the debugged application.
F11 Step into.
F10 Step by step.
Shift+F11 Step out.


File shortcuts

Key shortcut Purpose
Ctrl+S Save the file currently edited in the editor.
Ctrl+N Open a new window.

Editor views shortcuts

Key shortcut Purpose
Ctrl+Shift+T Display the text view in the editor.
Ctrl+Shift+C Display the clickable view in the editor.
Ctrl+Shift+F Display the flat view in the editor.
Ctrl+Shift+O Display the contract view in the editor.
Ctrl+Shift+I Display the flat contract view in the editor.

cached: 10/23/2024 4:29:36.000 PM