Select a Run-time information record to generate the Execution Profile

The third screen of the wizard lets you generate an Execution Profile from a Run-time information record. You should provide the Run-time information record produced by the profiler in the text field labeled Run-time information record. If the file provided by default is not the desired one change it by clicking on the Browse button or by directly entering it in the text field.

Then, in the combo box labeled Profiler used to produce the above record, select the profiler that has been used to produce the Run-time information record you have entered. If the profiler used to execute the system does not appear in the combo box, you have to add it. See How to set up a Profiler Configuration File for more details on how to do so.

Note: The Run-time information record must be located in the EIFGENs/target_name/W_code directory of your project.

Clicking Next will lead you to the Final state if the provided Run-time information record is valid. If the Run-time information record is not valid or is not located in the EIFGENs/target_name/W_code directory of the project, you will go to the Run-time Information Record Error state as shown below.

See Also:
How to profile a system
How to set up a Profiler Configuration File

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