System Options

This is where you can configure the most general aspects of your system. For example you can set the name of your application and the targets in the system.

Here is what you will see when opening the project settings window for the first time in a session when using the ecf file of the calculator example located at $ISE_EIFFEL|examples|base|calculator:

General system properties

  • Name: specifies the name for the system and is also used as the default for the name of the generated executable. The name of the executable can be changed in the target settings .
  • Description: an optional description of the system
  • Library Target: the target that should be used if this system is used as a library
  • Library Readonly: Is this system read only per default if it is used as a library?
  • File Name: Location of the configuration file.
  • UUID: unique identifier for this system

A system also has one or multiple targets which are the main blocks that specify an application or library. A target can extend another target. For example in the calculator application we have three targets: common, classic and dotnet. The common target specifies the part of the application that is common to classic and .NET compilation. The dotnet and classic targets extend the common target and add their specific settings.

To add a new target select the system node and click on Add Target. If a target should extend another target, select the parent target and click Add Target.

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