Supported C compilers

Unix/Linux Users:

EiffelStudio supports gcc on most platforms and the native cc compiler if it is an ANSI C compiler.

Microsoft Windows Users

EiffelStudio supports Microsoft and MinGW compilers on Microsoft Windows.

Microsoft Visual C++ Users

EiffelStudio supports versions 10.0 and higher of the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ environment. This is available in Visual Studio 2010 or higher revision, or in version of the Windows SDK 7.1 or higher.

EiffelStudio will automatically detect the location of the C compiler.

By default the installation program will set in the registry keys the ISE_C_COMPILER key to msc (for versions 12.0 and below) or msc_vc140 (for Visual Studio C++ 2015 and later.)

MinGW Users

By default the installation program will set in the registry keys the ISE_C_COMPILER key to mingw.

In versions as late as 6.6, there is a restriction that prevents the use of EiffelCOM with the MinGW compiler.

Changing your C compiler on Windows

You can do it in either of two different ways.

You can manually edit the registry key HKLM\Software\ISE\EiffelNN and change the value of the ISE_C_COMPILER string key to either msc (msc_vc140) or mingw depending upon the effect you desire.

Alternatively, you can set the environment variable ISE_C_COMPILER to either msc (msc_vc140) or mingw.

Reference information about supported C compilers on Windows
Compiler Value of ISE_C_COMPILER
MinGW mingw
Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010 (v10.0) msc
Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012 (v11.0) msc
Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 (v12.0) msc
Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015 (v14.0) msc_vc140
Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017 (v14.1) msc_vc140
Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019 (v14.2) msc_vc140

Availability of free compilers


Download the free Visual Studio Community Edition

If required download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.


Copy included with the Eiffel Software distribution.

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