Selector Sample

This sample creates a DB_BOOK table in your database, enters sample data in it and lets you select rows from this table with author's name.


To compile the example:

  • Launch EiffelStudio.
  • Click Add project
  • Browse to $ISE_EIFFEL\examples\store\select\.
  • Clicking open loads the selected project
  • Choose select.ecf
  • Select the target according to the installed DBMS
  • Choose the location where the project will be compiled, by default the same directory containing the configuration file.
  • Click OK.


In order to run this example, you must first create a file named data.sql from one of the files in the select example directory. You will see that the data.sql files in the example directory have names which include the names of the available DBMS handles. This is because the SQL can differ from one DBMS to another. For example, you'll see and data.sql.odbc. If you are using the Oracle DBMS, you should rename or make a copy of as data.sql and make sure it's in your execution directory before running the example.

Note: The data.sql file must be available in the sample application current directory. If you run the sample from EiffelStudio, this directory should be the EIFGENs/target/W_CODE/ directory of your project (where target is one of the installed DBMS).

This sample lets you interact with your database through a console.

First you have to enter the database connection information:

  • For ODBC:

Database user authentication: Data Source Name: handson Name: smith Password: mypass

Note: Name and Password are not required with ODBC. If you don't need Name and Password, you can simply hit Return when prompted.

  • For Oracle:

Database user authentication: Name: smith@HANDSON Password: mypass

Note: You must specify the Oracle User Name and Net Service Name with the syntax <user>@<service> where <user> stands for the User Name and <service> stands for the Net Service Name.

Then you can select rows from this table with author's name, for instance: Author? ('exit' to terminate):Bertrand Meyer Seeking for books whose author's name match: Bertrand Meyer Author:Bertrand Meyer Title:Eiffel The Libraries Quantity:11 Price:20 double_value:435.60000610351562 First publication:07/01/1994 12:00:00.0 AM Author:Bertrand Meyer Title:Eiffel The Language Quantity:9 Price:51 double_value:775.22998046875 First publication:07/01/1992 12:00:00.0 AM Author? ('exit' to terminate):

Note: Enter exit to quit the application.

Under the Hood

This sample showcases the use of the DB_SELECTION class to perform smart select queries, using:

The whole sample code is contained in the root class:

  • SELECTOR for Oracle.
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