Release notes for EiffelStudio 22.12 - macosx

Known GUI issues

Vision2 UI apps have bad issue on macosx M1/M2 (arm architecture) with XQuartz.

Use the latest XQuartz version

Be sure to use the latest XQuartz, as it gets improvement from time to time (currently version 2.8.4), and hopefully remaining EiffelStudio UI annoyance will disappear with future versions.

Do not disable X11 rendering

In other words, be sure to use the following default XQuartz setting:

defaults write org.xquartz.X11 enable_render_extension 1

Otherwise, if enable_render_extension = 0, text fields (and similar) will not work properly for EiffelStudio and any Vision2 application (and could even crash the application), in addition it degrades GUI application performance.

Black background annoyance

When using default setting (enable_render_extension = 1), EiffelStudio has back blackground for a few widgets (menu, label, ...), especially when EiffelStudio has the focus, which makes it hard to use.

EiffelStudio is not the only macosx application having this bad issue with XQuartz (matlab, git gui, ...), and so far no workaround works well with EiffelStudio.

Let us hope that XQuartz fixes this issue in a future version update.

Note: there is no such issue when using the interface via a remote application such as NoMachine.

A dirty but acceptable workaround: CSS

Using ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css to use colors that would make EiffelStudio reading in "normal" mode, and in "black background annoyance" mode.

For that, put the following text inside ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

.background { background-color: #cccccc; color: white } widget, box, text, label { background-color: #cccccc; color: white } .titlebar { background-color: #ff0000 } window, menuitem { background-color: #cccccc; color: white } menuitem:hover { background-color: white; color: #cccccc }

C code consideration

On macosx, is the default C compiler. A few clang compiler optimizations were causing issues for Eiffel project, and the ARM architecture is less human friendly as x86.

As a consequence, the Eiffel generated C code was modified to avoid compilation optimization to be applied wrongly.

It was also the opportunity to improve part of the C code (mostly in the Eiffel runtime), to avoid ambiguous case between various C compilers (MS cl, GCC, CLANG, ...).

As a quick summary:

- if you write C code with Eiffel (i.e external C feature), be aware that clang may move local variable to registers as an optimization, so the C code compares the result of 2 C functions that may call the Eiffel GC (i.e manipulating Eiffel object), it is safer to store the result of the C functions in local C variables, and then compare the local variables.

- When using C function pointer (declared with a typedef with ... as last argument), the caller code should always use adapted that declares all arguments, otherwise clang may consider the C function signature uses (but this is not always the case), and the argument values will not be pushed to the stack as expected.

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