Eiffel Editor Preferences
The Eiffel category under the main Editor category contains preferences for Eiffel specific editor values. For example, here you can customize the behavour of autocompletion in the editor, syntax completion on Eiffel keywords, or the colors of Eiffel keywords.
Label in the preferences window | Complete Description |
Auto-complete brackets and parenthesis | Brackets and parentheses are closed automatically? |
Auto-complete quotes | Quotes are closed automatically? |
Auto auto-complete | Auto complete appears automatically? |
Auto-complete words | Automatically completes words when a single best match is available? |
Customized string 1 | User customized string. |
Customized string 2 | User customized string. |
Customized string 3 | User customized string. |
Filter completion list | Completion list entries are filtered based on matches? |
Once and constant in upper | Complete once and constants with a first upper case character? |
Show ANY features | ANY features appear in the feature call complete window? |
Show completion signature | Completion list shows feature signatures? |
Show completion type | Completion list shows return type? |
Syntax complete enabled | Enable syntax autocomplete? |
Text mode is windows | Text files format: True = Windows / False = UNIX. |
Underscore is separator | Underscore ' ' is a word separator? |
Display Colors
Label in the preferences window | Complete Description |
Normal text color | Foreground color for normal text. |
Normal background color | Background color for normal text. |
Selection text color | Foreground color for selected text. |
Selection background color | Background color for selected text. |
String text color | Foreground color for manifest strings. |
String background color | Background color for manifest strings. |
Keyword text color | Foreground color for keywords. |
Keyword background color | Background color for keywords. |
Spaces text color | Foreground color for spaces. |
Spaces background color | Background color for spaces. |
Comments text color | Foreground color for comments. |
Comments background color | Background color for comments. |
Number text color | Foreground color for numbers. |
Number background color | Background color for numbers. |
Operator text color | Foreground color for operators. |
Operator background color | Background color for operators. |
Breakpoint background color | Color for breakable marks and breakpoints. |
Assertion tag text color | Foreground color for assertion tags. |
Assertion tag background color | Background color for assertion tags. |
Indexing tag text color | Foreground color for indexing tags. |
Indexing tag background color | Background color for indexing tags. |
Reserved text color | Foreground color for reserved words. |
Reserved background color | Background color for reserved words. |
Generic text color | Foreground color for generics. |
Generic background color | Background color for generics. |
Local text color | Foreground color for locals. |
Local background color | Background color for locals. |
Class text color | Foreground color for classes. |
Class background color | Background color for classes. |
Feature text color | Foreground color for features. |
Feature background color | Background color for features. |
Cluster text color | Foreground color for clusters. |
Cluster background color | Background color for clusters. |
Error text color | Foreground color for errors. |
Error background color | Background color for errors. |
Object text color | Foreground color for objects. |
Object background color | Background color for objects. |
cached: 02/11/2025 2:11:35.000 PM