Feature menu

The Feature Menu enables you to find properties of a feature: (A) Ancestors : show the ancestor versions of a feature. (C) Callers : show the callers of a feature. (D) Descendants : show the descendant versions of a feature. (F) Flat : show the flat form of a feature. (O) Homonyms : shown the homonyms of a feature. (I) Implementers : show the classes implementing a feature. (T) Text : show the text of a feature. (H) Help : show list of commands. (M) Main : go back to main menu. (Q) Quit : terminate session. (Y) Yank : yank (save) output of last command to a file.

Each command will prompt you for the name of a class, the name of a feature in that class and a filter name; you can specify these names (or just the class name) after the command.

Ancestors All the versions of a feature that appeared in ancestors.
Callers The list of classes which contains calls to the feature. Modifiers: * All senders - include all callers rather than only those in the specified class * Only assigners - restrict callers to those that use given feature only as a target of an assignment instruction * Only creators - restrict callers to those that use given feature only as a target of a creation instruction
Descendants All the versions of a feature that appeared in descendants.
Implementers The list of classes where the feature is redeclared.

cached: 12/10/2024 8:08:05.000 PM