Toolbar customization

It is possible to choose which icons appear in the EiffelStudio toolbars.

If you right-click on any toolbar you will see a context menu that allows you to choose which toolbars are visible and to customize the visible icons for each:

You can also choose to customize a toolbar by clicking on the Toolbar Options drop-down menu at the right end of the toolbar, and select Customize:

Whenever you choose to customize a toolbar, two lists of icons are displayed in the Customize Toolbar dialog window. The list on the right shows the icons that are currently displayed in the toolbar. The list on the left gathers the icons that are currently not in the toolbar and that may be added. It also contains a separator that may be used to organize icons. In the figure below, you see the Customize Toolbar dialog targeted to the project toolbar.

To add an icon or a separator to the toolbar, select it in the left list and click on the Add -> button. It will then be inserted in the right list after the selected item.
To remove an icon, click on it in the right list and click on <- Remove.

The order of the icons in the right list is the same as in the toolbar. If you want to move an icon in the list, select it and use Up and Down buttons. Up will move it to the top, i.e. to the left of the toolbar. Down will move it in the opposite direction.

Tip: You can also pick-and-drop icons to organize them.

Once you made the changes you wanted, validate them by clicking on OK. You can also go back to the initial toolbar layout by clicking on Cancel.

See Also:
EiffelStudio toolbars

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