Simple Hello world form sample

Hello world form


To compile the example:

  1. Launch EiffelStudio.
  2. Click Add project
  3. Browse to $ISE_EIFFEL\examples\dotnet\winforms\hello_world\
  4. Choose hello_world.ecf
  5. Choose the location where the project will be compiled, by default the same directory containing the configuration file.
  6. Click Open.


After launching the application, you will see a window displayed with a similar appearance to the one above. This is the simplest windows form we can display. We have just set the title with "HelloWorld".

Under the Hood

The application shows how to display a Windows Form under the windows environment. The application inherits the FORM class, and just set the title with "Hello world" with the inherited feature set_text. set_text ("Hello world")

The application is launched in a PROCESS with this command line: {WINFORMS_APPLICATION}.run_form (Current).

This sample uses the following classes:

  • FORM


This sample is translated from the example located in the QuickStart\winforms\samples\simple hello world subdirectory of the.NET Framework SDK samples directory of Microsoft Visual Studio.NET.

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