CECIL - Basic sample


After you have done the appropriate steps to compile the example, you will get a cecil.exe on windows, or cecil on Unix.

This example performs some basic tests of CECIL from C to Eiffel and Eiffel to C. You can:

  • choose to raise an exception when a routine is not visible
  • create an Eiffel string
  • choose to raise a precondition violation from C.

A typical output will be:$ cecil Do you want to enable the visible exception? (y-yes, n-no):n Disable visible exception ====== In eiffel_call ====== Eiffel type id = 9 Eiffel procedure make 0x100546b4 Eiffel object = 0x30068030 Testing linked_list... 12345 test_linked_list OK Testing memory... Give string length (enter a high number for raising an Eiffel exception) 234 Memory OK Testing if string void ... Enter a string: (press enter if you want to raise an Eiffel exception) wefsd wefsdTesting precondition...By default it is true ====== Done ====== ====== In eiffel_call ====== Eiffel type id = 9 Eiffel procedure test_linked_list 0x10054ebc Eiffel object = 0x30068030 Testing linked_list... 12345 test_linked_list OK ====== Done ====== ====== In eiffel_call_1_arg ====== Eiffel type id = 9 Eiffel procedure print 0x1004e0a8 Eiffel object = 0x30068030 Eiffel object = 0x30068030 Execute the Eiffel code `print (linked_list)' from the C side: MAIN [0x30068030] linked_list: LINKED_LIST [0x30068C40] ====== Done ====== ====== In cecil_test ====== protected indirection of 30068c40 is 300311bc Eiffel type id of STRING = 198 Eiffel type id of LINKED_LIST [STRING] = 224 Linked List forth: 10222fbc Linked list object = 0x30068c40 Do you want to test the visibility of an Eiffel routine? (y-yes, n-no): n Do you want raise a precondition violation? (y-yes, n-no): n ====== Done ======

cached: 02/15/2025 12:26:05.000 AM