Rename Feature

  1. Start the Rename feature refactoring action by either:
    1. Selecting Refactor->Rename from the context menu associated with the feature you want to rename.
    2. Picking the feature and dropping its pebble into the Rename hole () on the refactoring toolbar.
  2. After a compilation the Refactoring: Feature Rename dialog appears. You can enter a new name.
  3. You can choose between these options:
    • Replace Name in Comments: replace usage of the feature name in comments that follow the featurename syntax.
    • Replace Name in Strings: replace usage of the feature name in strings that follow the featurename syntax.
    • Reuse existing name: allow two or more features to have the same name during refactoring (note: the compiler will still report an error, if there are two or more features with same name, but this option could be use to merge two features).
  4. Click OK.
cached: 02/11/2025 2:12:49.000 PM