Event-driven command execution

Note: The example classes discussed in this section appear in the subdirectory polling of the example directory.

9.1 Commands and events

In the preceding examples each participant in a communication had to get ready to send or receive at specific stages of its life. Although this did not preclude asynchronous communication, it is sometimes desirable to make the scheme even more asynchronous, and control more decentralized, by letting each system simply specify certain communication events that it wants to monitor, and certain commands to be executed on occurrence of the specified events.

The commands are objects, instances of a general-purpose class COMMAND or its proper descendants. Class COMMAND has, among its features, a procedure execute which executes the current command; some commands are undoable and have an undo procedure.

In EiffelNet the possible events associated with a socket will be of three kind: a read event; a write event; or a special event (out of bounds operation). The command classes will be descendants of POLL_COMMAND, an heir of COMMAND.

9.2 Command classes

The example uses three command classes: DATAGRAM_READER, used by both clients and servers, and specialized versions of a datagram writer: one for clients, CLIENT_DATAGRAM_WRITER, and one for servers, SERVER_DATAGRAM_WRITER. These classes model operations that must be triggered in the case of a read event and a write event.

Here is the common reader command: class DATAGRAM_READER inherit POLL_COMMAND redefine active_medium end create make feature active_medium: NETWORK_DATAGRAM_SOCKET execute (arg: ANY) local rec_pack: PACKET datagram: DATAGRAM_PACKET i: INTEGER do rec_pack := active_medium.received (10, 0) create datagram.make_from_managed_pointer (rec_pack.data) io.putint (datagram.packet_number) io.new_line from i := 0 until i > 9 loop io.putchar (datagram.element (i)) i := i + 1 end io.new_line end end -- class DATAGRAM_READER

The execute procedure reads a packet of ten characters and prints these characters. Its counterpart in the writing command will produce these ten packets: class CLIENT_DATAGRAM_WRITER inherit POLL_COMMAND redefine active_medium end create make feature active_medium: NETWORK_DATAGRAM_SOCKET execute (arg: ANY) local sen_pack: DATAGRAM_PACKET char: CHARACTER do -- Make packet with characters `a' to `j' in successive positions create sen_pack.make (10) from char := 'a' until char > 'j' loop sen_pack.put_element (char, char |-| 'a') char := char.next end sen_pack.set_packet_number (1) active_medium.send (sen_pack, 0) end end -- class CLIENT_DATAGRAM_WRITER

9.3 The server and the client

Once the commands have been defined, it suffices for the server and the client to associate instances of these commands with the appropriate.

The abstraction needed for this purpose is provided by class MEDIUM_POLLER. An instance of this class knows about a number of commands, each associated with a certain socket in read, write or special event mode. By applying procedure execute to such a medium poller, you direct it to monitor these sockets for the corresponding events and to execute the command associated with each event that will be received. Procedure execute takes two integer arguments: the maximum number of sockets to monitor, and the timeout in milliseconds.

Here is the server built with this mechanism: class POLLING_SERVER create make feature make (argv: ARRAY [STRING]) local soc: detachable NETWORK_DATAGRAM_SOCKET ps: MEDIUM_POLLER readcomm: DATAGRAM_READER writecomm: SERVER_DATAGRAM_WRITER do if argv.count /= 2 then io.error.putstring ("Usage: ") io.error.putstring (argv.item (0)) io.error.putstring (" portnumber%N") else create soc.make_bound (argv.item (1).to_integer) create ps.make_read_only create readcomm.make (soc) ps.put_read_command (readcomm) create writecomm.make (soc) ps.put_write_command (writecomm) ps.execute (15, 20000) ps.make_write_only ps.execute (15, 20000) soc.close end rescue if soc /= Void and then not soc.is_closed then soc.close end end end -- POLLING_SERVER

Procedure make creates three objects: a socket, which it associates with a specific port; a poller; and a read command (an instance of DATAGRAM_READER), which it attaches to the socket. It then enters the read command into the poller, and does the same thing with a write command. It sets up the poller to accept read commands only and then executes the poller; this will enable the server to get the read event triggered by the client's write command (as it appears below in the text of class POLLING_CLIENT). Then the server reverses the poller's set-up to write-only, and calls execute again.

The client follows the same scheme, reversing the order of read and write operations: class POLLING_CLIENT create make feature make (argv: ARRAY [STRING]) local soc: detachable NETWORK_DATAGRAM_SOCKET ps: MEDIUM_POLLER readcomm: DATAGRAM_READER writecomm: CLIENT_DATAGRAM_WRITER do if argv.count /= 3 then io.error.putstring ("Usage: ") io.error.putstring (argv.item (0)) io.error.putstring (" hostname portnumber%N") else create soc.make_targeted (argv.item (1), argv.item (2).to_integer) create ps.make_write_only create readcomm.make (soc) ps.put_read_command (readcomm) create writecomm.make (soc) ps.put_write_command (writecomm) ps.execute (15, 20000) ps.make_read_only ps.execute (15, 20000) soc.close end rescue if soc /= Void and then not soc.is_closed then soc.close end end end

9.4 A less deterministic scheme

Although the example uses the event-driven mechanisms of EiffelNet, it is still relatively deterministic in that it follows a precise protocol defined by a strict sequence of read and write operations on both sides. This is why every call to execute is preceded by a call to either make_read_only or make_write_only to set up the poller in the appropriate mode.

A less deterministic scheme may often be desirable, where you simply enter a number of commands (read, write, out of bounds processing) into a poller and then wait for arbitrary events to occur and trigger commands. There is no need with this scheme to know in advance the order in which events may occur: a read event will trigger the command entered into the poller through put_read_command; a write event will trigger the command entered through put_write_command.

To achieve this behavior, simply create the poller using make as creation procedure. This will set up the poller so as to accept all socket events, and enter into event-driven command execution by calling execute on the poller.

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